MC7430 modem issue

Bjørn Mork bjorn at
Wed Apr 6 10:40:54 UTC 2016

dailijin  <dailijin126 at> writes:

> As for the ISC mailing lists, could you provide the link?

I see that I exaggerated the time quite a bit.  The patch in question is
"only" 6 years old:

The author had no idea of the status 6 months later:

But I got this reply when asking about the status 10 months after that:

Note that I do believe the last answer is sincere.  There is no reason
to doubt that there is anything but resource constraints behind this.
But unfortunately that doesn't mean that the patch will be applied.

The real problem is that ISC seems stuck in a '90ies open source
development model, requiring lots of central resources to process code
provided for free by the community.  They are gating all development
into a closed internal bug tracker and software repo, requiring
gatekeeper work for even the simplest requests. Like:  What is the
status of this patch now?

This model does not scale, and the lack of transparancy makes
contributors give up and disappear.

So I don't mean to say that there anything evil about ISC and the
software they manage.  I definitely use both BIND and dhclient/dhcpd
myself, both for work and pleasure :) It's just that the way they manage
it makes it appear to be in a permanent feature freeze.  At least from
my point of view (i.e. the outside). Which of course can be considered a
feature in itself if the software already has all the features you need


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