qmicli command to kill a connection indiscriminately?

Evade Flow evadeflow at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 19:42:24 UTC 2016

Is there a 'rude' `qmicli` command (or sequence of commands) I can use to
just kill *any* existing connection, without needing to know the client ID
and/or packet data handle? I'm writing a really quick-and-dirty
modem-juggling script, and I'd rather avoid saving any state, if possible.

In a perfect world, this would "just do it" and not give me an error:

$ qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --wds-stop-network
error: Missing argument for --wds-stop-network

I noticed `qmi-network` saves off a 'state file' containing the client ID
and packet data handle, so perhaps this isn't possible. Just figured I
should ask before going down the state-saving path...
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