eMBMS in libqmi

Ginzler, Tobias tobias.ginzler at fkie.fraunhofer.de
Mon Jan 29 13:07:54 UTC 2018

Yes, the TMGI stuff is probaby needed to subscribe to a certain channel/group. I miss some messages which define where the actual broadcast data is expected once the subscription is done by the UE. At least 2 operators (S.-Korea: KT, USA: Verizon) according to this document https://gsacom.com/paper/lte-broadcast-embms-global-status-summary-deployments-activities/ offer commercial eMBMS service today. I would define the messages in the data/ directory but I have no documentation on the message format. If you have some documentation, please share and I can try adding the messages.

>> What we need is to extend libqmi and qmicli with support for the
>> 0x0063) and QMI_NAS_EMBMS_STATUS_IND (NAS 0x0063) messages. The
>> messages are easy enough (just enable/disable eMBMS setup). We would
>> need to define them in data/qmi-service-nas.json and then update
>> qmicli with new actions to use them.

>Note that there are a few WDS eMBMS TMGI requests as well. Might also be
>required for eMBMS support?


>I know exactly nada about this broadcast stuff.  Thought that was a
>thing of the previous millemnnium ;-) But TMGI seems to be a way to
>uniquely name a broadcast service using the MCC and MNC to make it
>globally unique.  Ref https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01291201/document
>So I am guessing that the WDS requests are what actually activates a

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