libqmi, LTE RAT link dropout, reconnect, surveillance etc.

Christian Melki christian.melki at
Thu Apr 14 18:28:06 UTC 2022

On 4/14/22 20:01, Peter Naulls wrote:
> On 4/14/22 13:57, Christian Melki wrote:
>> Hi Peter.
>> Suspected it would be a bit of a minefield. Do you have pointers to code
>> or scripts that deal with different aspects of this?
>> I guess I'll have to develop some sort of link monitoring for my uses
>> aswell.
>> Thanks.
> I'm afraid a lot of the work I've done to date is proprietary and can't
> be shared, but I have posted some items to this and the MM list.  However,
> I'm happy to talk through specifics, especially since I think that would be to
> my benefit and everyone else's.
> However, in short, the monitoring is on the modem devices and ModemManager
> state and kind of went from there.
> I did propose some removal of PPP options during compilation, since this
> was a very real and serious problem for us, however it seems that needs
> some extra refinement, since it's still not 100%.

Been there!
I appreciate the pointers given.
I'll remember to bump for help when the mouse trap slams shut. :)

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