[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] 2017 location meeting: 30.06 20:00 CET @ #LGM

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Sat Jun 27 18:10:36 PDT 2015

I can try to make it then :)

On 27 June 2015 at 05:25, Femke Snelting <snelting at collectifs.net> wrote:

> Dear all,
> This is an invitation to make a decision long due: Where will the Libre
> Graphics Meeting take place in 2017?
> Two interesting proposals were made [1], one for Niteroi/Rio de Janeiro
> (Brazil) and another for Singapore (Singapore).
> Following our experience from last years, I propose the following
> procedure:
> People involved in organising, gather for an IRC meeting on *Tuesday 30
> June 20:00 CET* for a general discussion of these two proposals.
> From the list of people that have committed for 2016 [2], we get: Nate
> Willis, Louis Desjardins, Larisa Blasic, Antonio Roberts, Phil Langley,
> Pippin, ginger coons, Femke Snelting, Ale Rimoldi, Julien Deswaef, Liam
> Quin, Loraine Furter, Manuel Schmalstieg, Camille Bissuel, Martin Owens.
> Last years, Dave Crossland and Greg Pittman joined the discussion; would be
> good if you both can join again?
> The first meeting we use to check the proposals against criteria, and to
> discuss the consequences of either decision. Some points to consider [3]:
> - Ethical and political issues
> - Security issues
> - Health issues
> - Free software acceptance or support in the host country
> - Budget and sponsoring
> - Proposed dates and agenda issues with other events
> - Venue and on-site infrastructure
> - Travel and accommodation
> - Experience of the local team at organizing such an international event
> - Communication skills of the local team
> Relay-persons will clarify questions, issues with proposed venues.
> In a second meeting, we aim to find a consensus between organisers. Only
> if we cannot agree, we vote.
> The proposed venue is communicated to the LGM community for comments,
> objections.
> We aim to announce the 2017 location by August 1.
> Hope this works?
> best!
> Femke
> [1]
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-proposals/2017-venue-proposals/
> [2] https://titanpad.com/lgm-organisation2016
> [3] See also previous listings of criteria:
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-requirements/
> +
> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/public-documentation/venue-selection-process/
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