[Libre-graphics-meeting-org] 20th jan irc meet log

larisa blazic lab_web at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 20 13:08:22 PST 2016

hi all,
fyi bellow.
best, lara

<laraaa> hiya
<phillll> hi all!
<F_S> hey
<F_S> so what's up for tonight?
* natuk (~thanasis at has joined
<laraaa> i'd like to call for volunteers :)
<laraaa> to help julien with marketing
<laraaa> and
<F_S> ok, yes!
<laraaa> video documentation lead too 
<laraaa> wanna report that official invitation letter for visas is practically done
<F_S> ok for marketiing, what needs happening?
<laraaa> press release is urgent
<F_S> ok
<laraaa> here's our marketing doc/list:
<laraaa> http://piratepad.be/p/LGM-London-Comms
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> just to keep you up to date
<F_S> visa letter is really good news; as soon as submissions are confirmed, this is needed
<F_S> we're circulating pledgie in constant newsletter, for what it is worth
<laraaa> yes, i'll edit it into an lgm headed form tomorrow, so it is ready for all who need it
* natuk has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<F_S> also, next week at FOSDEM we'll have a chance to put flyers, posters, make noise
<F_S> will the subscription be up/
<F_S> ?
<laraaa> registration is ready according to ale - i just need to give him a nudge
<F_S> ok great
<F_S> we are working to get the submissions confirmed asap
<laraaa> yep :)
<F_S> as you know a lot of good proposals were made; more than we can fit so we'll need to make some hard decisions
<F_S> but all and all 2016 promises to be a lively edition!
<F_S> for press release, what do you need?
<laraaa> an up to date press release text
<F_S> ok maybe we can ask ginger to help? or pat david?
<laraaa> lauren and liam volunteered in toronto, at least that's what it is documented
<laraaa> but ginf=ger may be just the perfect person for it if she has time
<laraaa> ginger, sorry
<patdavid> you rang?
<F_S> ah hey
<F_S> lara was calling for help with communication
<patdavid> is there an not-up-to-date press release text you can send me?
<patdavid> s/an/a/
<F_S> to draft a press release -- there's last year
<F_S> ehm one-year-behind ;-)
<patdavid> fire me off last years, i'll update it
<F_S> great
<patdavid> patdavid at gmail.com
<F_S> and we can ask ginger to do a pass?
<laraaa> http://piratepad.be/p/lgm2015pressrelease
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<laraaa> and current state of communications/marketing/pr
<laraaa> http://piratepad.be/p/LGM-London-Comms
<mrscribe> Title: Etherpad Lite (at piratepad.be)
<F_S> for FOSDEM any specific thing to aim for, to call attention to?
<laraaa> pledgie...
<laraaa> and general invitation to join in :)
<F_S> ok
* gwidion_ (~gwidion at has joined
<F_S> hey gwidion
* gwidion has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<laraaa> anyway - phillll is pushing students to prepare programme layout design
<laraaa> and is working on the show (call et al), with antonio
<F_S> ah super
<laraaa> and i'm holding the fort at westminster...
<patdavid> ah, were the presentations chosen at your last meeting?
<F_S> we're working on it !
<patdavid> gotcha
<F_S> there is a lot this time, so we need an extra meeting but went through most of the maybe, what if's
<F_S> so ... looks like another intense edition this year
<F_S> will we send out another call for people to sign up ? we can combine with asking attention to pledgie
<F_S> maybe best once program is out
<patdavid> yes
<patdavid> folks may decide if they want to attend based on the program
<laraaa> +1
<patdavid> program needs to be done first
<patdavid> then a second wave of publicity to raise awareness
<patdavid> don't waste the effort w/o a program in place to entice attendees
<laraaa> yep + thanks patdavid for help with press release!
<patdavid> don't thank me until I deliver something :)
<laraaa> :)
<F_S> ok, we're trying to be fast with the program but needs some time, some back and forth to build it well
<patdavid> ok :)
<F_S> can say when it will be there after sunday meeting, alright?
<F_S> ok apparently ;-)
<laraaa> yeah :)
<laraaa> is there anything else we need to discuss today?
<F_S> curious about exhibition, but maybe next time?
<F_S> now a bit occupied with getting program done
<laraaa> there's nothing new to report besides that antonio has joined in and a call is in drafting stage
<laraaa> yeah - programme, visas, fundraising, marketing :)
<F_S> what call do you mean?
<laraaa> a call for aditional works for display at the exhibition - we talked about it on one pf the previous irc meetings
<F_S> oh great
<F_S> and also nice antonio is on
<laraaa> we'll send out draft for comments, and most likely discuss it on one of the next irc meetings as soon as it is ready
<laraaa> yesh, he resurfaced :)
<F_S> btw one thing not to forget is at some point we need to send out call for 2018 proposals :-P
<F_S> ok, do next meet in 2 weeks?
<laraaa> yes, same time, same place :)
<laraaa> content team is meeting on sunday and will follow up with info as soon as ready
<laraaa> as F_S said :)
<F_S> yes, confirmed!
<patdavid> oh about the exhibition
<F_S> so meet again on 3 feb, 21:00 CET
<patdavid> please let me know if/when a call goes out - there's some photographers from pixls that are interested in displaying some work
<laraaa> no probs
<F_S> ok, feels like a lot is moving - look fwd to coming two weeks
<laraaa> :)
<F_S> more soon, nice evening!
<laraaa> F_S pls check manuel's email - he just sent us a few questions about registration
<F_S> yes, can take that on
<laraaa> have a lovely evening all, thanks F_S/patdavid xx
<patdavid> you too! http://www.e-w-n-s.net
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