[LGM] [LGRU] [CREATE] Next Libre Graphics Meeting. Madrid.

Stéphanie Vilayphiou stephanie at stdin.fr
Thu Jun 7 02:02:45 PDT 2012

Hey Ale,
it's true that students are an important audience. However, I don't 
think making LGM happen during holidays would change anything (saying 
this as being a student not so long ago...). If you have no money 
(usually the case), it doesn't really matter whether it's during 
holidays or not. And if schools are willing to pay a trip to go there, 
it would happen more likely during schooltime!
If you look at other events like Ars Electronica or Transmediale, I 
think a lot of students go there although it is usually in January, and 
in April if I remember well?

Femke, does that mean the LGRU March event is postponed to April?

On Thu 07 Jun 2012 10:44:25 AM CEST, ale rimoldi wrote:
> hi
>> I'm Mónica from Medialab-Prado, where the Libre Graphics Meeting will
>> take place next year- 2013.
>> It's a pleasure for us to propose you the following dates for the
>> Meeting: April from 10 to 13.
>> Following the international meeting, an  Interactivos? workshop will
>> take place. It is aimed to develop projects related to Libre graphics
>> contents. Interactivos? will take place from April 13 to 27.
>> Hope this schedule suits you,
>> Looking forward to hearing from you!
> while the date is perfect for me, i was wondering if we shouldn't think
> about getting the LGM to be more compatible with the needs of students.
> personally, i've heard of many "no, thanks" from students, and the
> reason was that the LGM was during the academic year.
> and this is a pity, since we want the youngsters to be there!
> as far as i know, the academic year is standardized all over western
> europe and for 2013 the summer semester should go from 18.02.2013 to
> 31.05.2013, with some easter holidays from march 29th and april 7th (i
> couldn't find out if this week is a standard holiday or is only common
> in switzerland).
> i don't know if there is still room for a change for 2013, but i think
> that those dates could be considered for future LGMs in europe.
> have a nice day
> a.l.e
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Stéphanie Vilayphiou
+32 (0)4 89 00 88 59

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