[LGM] 10-13 April 2013. Next Libre Graphics Meeting. Madrid.

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Mon Jun 25 16:15:25 PDT 2012

On 06/15/2012 02:18 PM, Monica Cachafeiro wrote:
> Hello all,
> As anyone see problems an the dates we are going to have next LGM in 
> Madrid from 10-13 April 2013.
> Hope can send you more info soon!
one of the things we need to work on is deciding on a method so that we 
can formally come to decisions.
Is there some specific number of people who have to vote in favor of 
Do some people have a vote and others don't? Who are the voting "members"?

This ends up looking pretty pathetic to have decisions drag on like this.


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