[LGM] reimbursing traveling expenses: for active people or for presentations?

peter peter at constantvzw.org
Tue Feb 5 03:53:11 PST 2013

hello Ale +

my opinion:

> Team members get their costs reimbursed (at least in theory...) even if they don't give a
> talk.
 > We reimburse travel expenses to people who give talks.

Does one exclude the other ?
Maybe it is a bot strong to state that you 'need to submit' ..
but the two points seem compatible to me.

And hey, maybe asking to submit has a positive effect from an 
organisational point of view:
It can help to motivate people to put something on paper and send it in.
-> which makes envisioning who will come, to do what a lot easier.

ciao !


constant vzw | rue du fort straat 5 | 1060 brussel belgie | 0032 (0)2 
5392467 | constantvzw.org

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