[LGM] hello LGM2014 content team!

Christoph Haag christoph at listen.lafkon.net
Tue Nov 19 08:05:22 PST 2013

Dear LGM Organisers,

as I had a look at the log of your last meeting 
(http://houz.org/LGM/2014/) I had an idea I'd like to suggest/discuss. 
Why not use the content categories even more prominent, namely as a 
subline within the logo for the Leipzig meeting and make the logo become 
a generative information/(graphic), used on different occasions 
throughout (and before) the meeting. This could be automated and would 
also reflect the focus on 'computational/generative media'. Here are 
some drafts/mock-ups, the most direct/basic approach, but I think one 
gets the idea.


I did boil it down to 4 points, keeping 'magic' in favour of 'future', 
but this needs to be discussed. Furthermore I think to have these 
buzzwords on such a prominent level could help to broaden the audience, 
because people get a direct impression what to expect at the meeting: 
code & art & magic(/future).

Thanks for your work so far,
best regards,

p.s.: since most people probably don't know me, i worked on the 
generative posters for LGM last year.

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