[LGM] Update on reimbursement process for 2014

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Sat Jan 25 03:47:33 PST 2014

2014/1/25 Femke Snelting <snelting at collectifs.net>

> Hello Louis, Michael
>  here is how it will work this year. The page is already up at
>>> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2014/reimbursement/
>>> and the form will be up until the last day of LGM, April 5, 2014.
> Thanks for clarifying the schedule for reimbursements this year. Much
> appreciated.
>  Your aim for a quicker reimbursement this time around is understandable
>> and commendable - but closing document submission on the last day of LGM
>> is a bit too ambitious, in my opinion.
> Adding a week will mean still reimbursing within a month. Which is very
> reasonable I think?
>  Please consider to provide access to a scanner device, where attendees
>> may scan any paper receipts and tickets they may carry around.
> Good idea. We'll think of that!

Thank you all for the input!

Yes, I thought of that!

Please consider the following and tell me then if you still think we need
to extend the delay.

a) For the return ticket to the airport (which I think is the only case
that could occur as we wouldn’t reimburse a taxi or a costlier shuttle and
people travelling by train will be at walking distance), I guess it’s
possible to buy a round-trip ticket. And here we speak of 4-6 €.
b) Access to a scanner is a good idea but most people use their phone or
their camera to "scan" their documents.
c) Closing on the last day allows us to announce at the closing meeting
what to expect as a percentage of their expenses. Hopefully, 100% like
previous years, but we make no promises!

Again, I thank you for your input and I hope to read your further comments.

Opening the form for an extra week should not hurt that much. My own
enthusiasm at solving that issue led me to that idea!

So, what do you say?

Let me know!


> F
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