[LGM] New mindsets, new sorts of advocacy

Dave Crossland dave at lab6.com
Wed Jan 29 11:33:49 PST 2014

Libre Graphics: Design Your Way
On 29 Jan 2014 17:32, "Gregory Pittman" <gpittman at iglou.com> wrote:

> Let's face it, FOSS doesn't get as much traction as it deserves.
> Increasingly we live in a world of consumerism, of taking without
> giving, of assigning a monetary value to everything.
> We have our own perspective as it applies to graphics software, but that
> doesn't mean we can't advocate for FOSS in general, to help people
> understand what's at stake.
> For example, try to think of useful slogans about FOSS.
> "FOSS: We're trying to get into your consciousness, not your wallet."
> Greg
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