[LGM] LGM locations 2015 - 2016

peter peter at constantvzw.org
Thu May 1 23:37:34 PDT 2014

Dear all,

Last wednesday the first meeting on 2015-2016 LGM locations took place.
Per location, a synthesis of remarks and questions that came up are put 
on the pad:

Next meeting is set for:
Saturday 3 may, 18.00 UTC, 19.00 BST, 20.00 CEST, EDT 14:00
Below is a small agenda.

There were concerns that local time in Pnomh Penh might not permit 
Kounila to join, but I see she has confirmed her presence on the pad, so 
that should work.

During the last meeting, several have suggested to consider London only 
as candidate for 2016 because after having been in Europe three times in 
a row, (2012-2014) a fourth sequential European LGM in 2015 seems too much.

Since saturday we want to reach consensus for both years, it would help 
if we discuss combinations of two locations.
Therefore, on the pad, below the remarks per location, you will find the 
possible combinations of locations for 2015 and 2016. It seems there are 
seven possibilities. Please correct me if I am wrong.

If you can't join saturday, but you want to leave your remarks, please 
add them to the ones that are already noted, we will go over them during 
next meeting.

If you are entitled to decide according to the list (low on the pad), 
but you can't join saturday, you can express your preference in advance. 
Please score your preferred combination of locations before the meeting 
starts. On the pad it is explained how to do that. Have a look, I hope 
the system is clear, if not, please ping me.

Agenda for saturday:
* Start 18.00 UTC, 19.00 BST, 20.00 CEST, EDT 14:00
* Discuss remarks and questions -see pad- (30 mins)
* Rank sets of candidate locations. (10 minutes)
* Discuss the outcome, and eventually re-vote based on new insights (45 
* and decide !

Hope to see as many as possible on saturday,



constant vzw | rue du fort straat 5 | 1060 brussel belgie | 0032 (0)2 
5392467 | constantvzw.org

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                        V Z W

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