[LGM] LGM locations 2015 - 2016 - report

peter peter at constantvzw.org
Sat May 3 13:01:37 PDT 2014

Hi all,

The second irc meeting on where LGM will be hosted in 2015 and 2016, 
took place saturday 3 may.

We made a preliminary ranking of preferred combinations. Not all 27 
people that were invited to help decide were present.

That is why te people present in the meeting thought it would be a good 
idea to keep votes open until monday 5 may, 18.00 UTC, 19.00 BST, 20.00 
CEST, EDT 14:00.

The current ranking is at the top of the pad:

Louis was not in the meeting, and could not speak for Montreal, but 
London, Pnomh Penh, Toronto declared that their local organisations 
would support the Code of Conduct that is currently in the making.

London (aka Lara) is ok being in the running only for 2016.

In attachment the log
So let's see what happens on monday, and we'll take it from there !


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                   C O N S T A N T
                        V Z W
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(20:14:25) The topic for #lgm is: LGM 2014 | To be held in Leipzig, Germany April 2-5| http://www.libregraphicsmeeting.org/
(20:14:25) Topic for #lgm set by plinnell!~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs at 20:17:54 on 2013-09-15
(20:14:25) barjavel.freenode.net: (notice) [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup
(20:14:40) P_W: he he sorry, connection problems
(20:14:41) F_S: hey P_W :-)
(20:14:57) P_W: let's start !
(20:15:04) schumaml: 20:00 c.t. reached :)
(20:15:08) laraaa: ok
(20:15:22) P_W: the pad is here: http://titanpad.com/ajsOqb9Wpp
(20:15:49) P_W: Let's first go over the remarks nxt to the locations, 
(20:15:56) P_W: shall we start with London ?
(20:16:08) laraaa: i'm delighted to see brussels crew is up for helping out :)
(20:16:12) P_W: During the last meeting we talked about the difficulty of London for 2015 because there have been four LGM's in a row in Europe. We though maybe it is best to think of London only in the light of 2016. What do you think Larissa ?
(20:16:13) F_S: yeah
(20:16:21) laraaa: no problem
(20:16:29) F_S: we'd be happy to join
(20:16:35) P_W: that is the short answer .. ?
(20:16:40) laraaa: i had a chat with the dean and she has confirmed full support for 2016
(20:16:45) P_W: super
(20:16:46) F_S: super!
(20:16:50) P_W: duuh
(20:16:55) laraaa: :)
(20:17:10) a-l-e: hi...
(20:17:17) P_W: Do we move straight to Toronto ?
(20:17:25) F_S: hey a-l-e
(20:17:53) laraaa: just a quick question
(20:17:56) F_S: yes
(20:18:11) laraaa: if i manage to put a funding proposal for ahrc networking grant
(20:18:14) edtrager [~edtrager at host-252.subnet-17.med.umich.edu] entered the room.
(20:18:28) laraaa: could we arrange supporting letters form lgm?
(20:18:33) F_S: of course
(20:18:47) a-l-e: ... personally i see it the other way round... i'm wondering why should the lgm leave europe. don't get me wrong, i'd love to go to new venues, but from the people attending (and being active in the lgm projects) and our finances + human resources i have some hesitation in supporting the other proposals.
(20:19:33) laraaa: cool - i'll let you know of details
(20:19:37) P_W: On Toronto: are there new remarks, questions you people want to have answered for Toronto?
(20:20:09) dcrossland: a-l-e: i think lgm has to have a global focus, and if its mostly in europe that supports your view; if its ONLY in europe its exclusionary to people who happen to live away from us
(20:20:50) F_S: i agree
(20:21:13) F_S: anything to add since last week gingercoons
(20:21:18) F_S: ?
(20:21:25) a-l-e: i basically agree with you dcrossland, but the fact is still that we seem to be a european group.
(20:21:27) edtrager: I agree with Dave too.
(20:21:45) gingercoons: I don't have anything much new, other than to mention one grant program I'd be applying for if Toronto is chosen: http://www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/funding-financement/programs-programmes/connection_grants-subventions_connexion-eng.aspx
(20:21:46) a-l-e: moving everybody to another place does not make it less european.
(20:22:11) schumaml: just if you insist on staying in tourist mode
(20:22:30) a-l-e: yep, the touristic part can be a valid reason.
(20:22:37) dcrossland: a-l-e: confirmation bias :)
(20:22:41) a-l-e: and it has been raised by some participicant.
(20:23:03) Kounila [ca084bba at gateway/web/freenode/ip.] entered the room.
(20:23:08) dcrossland: hi Kounila
(20:23:09) pippin: I still have hopes that we'll have an LGM in latin america soon
(20:23:19) schumaml: it has also been raised by some participants that it is prohibitively expensive for them to get to Europe
(20:23:26) F_S: no offers from SA this year
(20:23:39) Kounila: Hi Dave!
(20:23:48) P_W: hey good to see Cambodia
(20:23:55) edtrager: Hi Kounila!
(20:24:08) Kounila: Hi, Ed!
(20:24:18) schumaml: there's the threat by Joao (gwidion) that he will host one in Brazil some day :)
(20:24:20) vox_: pippin: isn't the US latiin american already?
(20:24:29) F_S: it is an old threat ;-)
(20:24:34) pippin: IIRC europe has more floss devs/capita than north america; but SA has societal structures and incentives in place
(20:24:43) F_S: and since when is swiss EU a-l-e ;-)
(20:24:58) a-l-e: ?
(20:25:10) F_S: Switzerland
(20:25:10) P_W: gingercoons -so Toronto: not much news; there is a new question if the COC will be supported ?
(20:25:14) edtrager: vox_! Yes, we are becoming Latin America here in the States ;-)
(20:25:28) a-l-e: has the lgm ever been in CH? why are you asking F_S?
(20:25:40) schumaml: P_W: I got no doubts about that, actually
(20:25:46) gingercoons: P_W: an LGM in Toronto would definitely support the CoC. For me, it's a high priority.
(20:25:52) F_S: ok clear :-)
(20:25:56) P_W: yes good
(20:26:14) laraaa: the same for london - CoCwise
(20:26:20) dcrossland: lol
(20:26:22) dcrossland: lol a-l-e
(20:26:24) F_S: ok i add it
(20:26:41) P_W: Kounila : and for Pnomh Penh ?
(20:26:58) dcrossland: i think its worth confirming that a venue would have to accept the lgm's COC to host the lgm
(20:27:15) P_W: oh and: Kounila: is Pnomh Penh candidate for 2016 ?
(20:27:41) vox_: Q: SA = South Asia?
(20:27:54) schumaml: South America
(20:28:08) vox_: ah
(20:29:32) F_S: Louis_D here for last round of Q for Montreal?
(20:29:45) schumaml: dcrossland: what exactly is the "venue" in this case?
(20:30:13) F_S: Kounila: are you there?
(20:30:14) Kounila: P_W: that sounds great. I don't know what you all have decided about 2015 yet.
(20:30:34) F_S: you mean 2016 would be possible for Pnomh Penh?
(20:30:43) Kounila: F_S: Yes I"m here. Internet at the hotel where I'm staying is not stable.
(20:30:47) F_S: np
(20:31:16) F_S: i meant to say: LGM in Pnomh Penh in 2016 would be possible?
(20:32:22) dcrossland: schumaml: the venue ~= the local team
(20:32:38) plinnell [~mrdocs at opensuse/member/mrdocs] entered the room.
(20:32:42) dcrossland: yo plinnell
(20:33:21) Kounila: F_S: LGM in PP in 2015/2016 (both) would be possible. :))
(20:33:21) F_S: Kounila: there's not been a decision yet; we try to decide for two years at once
(20:33:30) F_S: ok Kounila good!
(20:33:33) gingercoons: re dcrossland's concern: for the Toronto bid, the university has a Statement on Human Rights in place that's compatible with the CoC
(20:34:06) Kounila: @F_S: sounds good, thanks.
(20:34:32) P_W: Kounila: Does Pnomh Penh support COC for LGM ?
(20:34:42) P_W: http://piratepad.net/draftcoc
(20:37:21) Kounila: @P_W: yes it does!
(20:37:30) F_S: ok, good news
(20:37:49) P_W: important that this is clear, thanks
(20:38:55) Kounila: P_W: :)) OK.
(20:39:43) F_S: ok so no further news from Montreal ...
(20:39:52) P_W: well ... maybe we can move on. The idea was to make a ranking per two years. On the pad there is a paragraph with all the possible combinations of locations. More or less line 84. 
(20:40:27) P_W: We all give points to three options
(20:40:41) a-l-e: have we already made a call for 2016?
(20:40:42) dcrossland: since Kounila is ahead of us timezone wise, could we front load stuff that requires her?
(20:40:46) F_S: will the ranking be a decision?
(20:41:31) F_S: the call has bene for 2015, you are right. should there be one before deciding?
(20:41:58) F_S: what do you all think?
(20:42:03) P_W: a-l-e at LGM we talked about this right ?
(20:42:19) schumaml: we got four proposals for 2015 and three for 2016
(20:42:41) a-l-e: no, we know that three of the proposals for 2015 would also stay for 2016...
(20:42:52) a-l-e: but we dont know if anybody else wants to propose for 2016.
(20:43:30) dcrossland: i dont think we need to worry so much about this
(20:43:35) schumaml: but the agreement, and least in my opinion, at lgm 2014 was to decide for two years
(20:43:40) dcrossland: anyone who wanted to do 2016 could have piped up
(20:43:47) dcrossland: 2017 is not so far away
(20:43:52) P_W: he he he
(20:44:01) a-l-e: as you prefere...
(20:44:37) dcrossland: but 2016 is also not so close, so if anyone says 'eh i am planning a 2016 pitch' we can do a recount
(20:44:41) pippin: I was a little bit surprised that people seemed to want to decide both 2015 and 2016 now
(20:45:02) F_S: this has been a wish for yeaRS
(20:45:05) F_S: rs
(20:45:15) F_S: to have two years decided in advance
(20:45:20) F_S: have to start at some point
(20:45:26) dcrossland: so i suggest we make a 'provisional decision' about 2016 and ask anyone who wants to make another offer to do so before some date on the lgm list
(20:45:28) schumaml: this was mostly because of the possible october scheduling
(20:45:29) F_S: this year it seemed possible for first time
(20:45:30) a-l-e: yes, the wishhas been there for a long time.
(20:45:34) vox_: F_S: +1
(20:46:15) F_S: not sure dcrossland about provisional decision
(20:46:47) F_S: i'd prefer to follow up with a call for 2017
(20:46:54) schumaml: deciding now would give the local teams confidence
(20:47:06) dcrossland: im happy with making a firm decision; im okay with a provisoinal one; id prefer to get 2016 decided quickly tho
(20:47:30) F_S: ok. i have strong preference for deciding both quick
(20:47:35) dcrossland: :)
(20:47:50) F_S: so i ask again: if we 'rank', is that a decision, or a direction/indication?
(20:48:30) P_W: I would say: we do this exercise, if everuyone has put points, we look at the result and discuss. 
(20:48:38) F_S: ok
(20:49:03) F_S: so we take 10 mins to rank?
(20:49:16) F_S: ready at 21:00 :-D
(20:49:19) laraaa: ok
(20:49:45) vox_: done
(20:50:37) F_S: done
(20:51:10) a-l-e: mmm... it does not really work...
(20:51:27) a-l-e: ah ok...
(20:51:28) a-l-e:  got it
(20:51:31) F_S: :-)
(20:52:55) P_W: does everyone get it .. ?
(20:53:06) laraaa: done
(20:53:15) schumaml: done
(20:53:18) P_W: done
(20:53:44) vox_: noone for the all-Canadian? ;-)
(20:53:58) F_S: not yet
(20:54:04) dcrossland: muhaha
(20:54:20) ***vox_ slaps dcrossland 
(20:54:47) vox_: as long as the coc isn't in place, have to take the opportunity ;-)
(20:54:47) dcrossland: but umm only 8 people deciding??
(20:54:52) dcrossland: LOL
(20:55:13) dcrossland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWBUl7oT9sA
(20:55:48) schumaml: none of the absentees have provided votes in advance
(20:56:02) schumaml: set a deadline for them some time tomorrow?
(20:56:02) F_S: n8willis: you want to add your ranking?
(20:56:25) F_S: schumaml: good idea; we can discuss preliminary outcome
(20:56:44) F_S: today i mean
(20:57:18) F_S: pippin: line 99 titanpad.com/ajsOqb9Wpp
(20:57:25) dcrossland: yeah i agree, if we post on the list that its currently 'Toronto 2015 + London 2016' and 'Pnomh Penh 2015 + London 2016' is the runner up
(20:57:32) F_S: yes
(20:57:54) dcrossland: and interested parties who want to cast a vote of the 7 options can do so on the pad
(20:58:00) F_S: exactly
(20:58:38) edtrager: Just to clarify, since I don't know protocol here: Do all 30+ people currently here at the meeting have the opportunity to vote by placing their points on http://titanpad.com/ajsOqb9Wpp ?
(20:58:57) F_S: no edtrager it is the list of people below the options
(20:59:10) schumaml: 27
(20:59:31) F_S: it is not set in stone, but those are the people who volunteered in 2014 and signed up for 2015
(20:59:54) plinnell left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(21:00:00) F_S: so if they make the effort, they have the opportunity :-)
(21:00:09) F_S: ok 21:00
(21:00:28) F_S: pippin missed deadline ;-)
(21:00:34) schumaml: and make sure that your initials are unique
(21:01:17) P_W: where is pip3 ?
(21:01:27) F_S: and edtrager ?
(21:02:26) edtrager: done thx
(21:02:51) P_W: anybody with a fast calculator ?
(21:02:51) F_S: ok calculate ...
(21:05:34) vox_: looks as if London can start planning...
(21:05:44) F_S: so there's two strong duos
(21:05:51) laraaa: delighted :)
(21:06:00) P_W: 1+ 2 means London 2016
(21:06:23) F_S: i think with half of people not having ranked yet, we need to be a bit careful
(21:06:39) laraaa: yep true
(21:06:55) F_S: so what do we think about this?
(21:07:10) dcrossland: i won my bets!!!!
(21:07:15) P_W: We can send a mail to everybody who hasn't ranked, with a deadline
(21:07:17) F_S: how much?
(21:07:25) F_S: i would still like to make sure questions are clearly answered
(21:07:37) dcrossland: P_W: +1
(21:07:38) P_W: deadline .. for when shall we set that deadline
(21:07:52) P_W: .. tomorrow evening ?
(21:07:55) dcrossland: P_W: Monday night?
(21:08:02) F_S: ok monday is better
(21:08:03) dcrossland: P_W: some people might be away for the weekend eh
(21:08:09) P_W: weekend ?
(21:08:13) P_W: ok
(21:08:15) schumaml: computer people?
(21:08:27) P_W: monday 18.00 UTC, 19.00 BST, 20.00 CEST, EDT 14:00 ?
(21:08:35) vox_: good for me
(21:08:37) F_S: sounds good
(21:08:41) dcrossland: schumaml: computer people who like camping in off grid cabins... pippin ;p
(21:08:46) F_S: hah
(21:09:01) dcrossland: (pippins cabin is on grid and online tho :)
(21:09:09) vox_: Ouis isn't really a computer person
(21:09:14) vox_: Louis
(21:09:58) schumaml: vox_: yep, he's using un ordinateur
(21:10:09) P_W: hey carefull now !
(21:10:11) pippin: dcrossland: uhm, the 220v power comes from a gasoline powered generator,.. and online there is gprs edge
(21:11:50) F_S: anything we need to say about this order of preference so far
(21:12:40) schumaml: that it is only based on the votes of 10(?) people
(21:12:43) schumaml: out of 27
(21:12:53) dcrossland: pippin: exactly!
(21:12:54) F_S: yes. so not at all conclusive
(21:13:53) P_W: I'll write a mail to all the personal emails of everybody on that list who hasn't voted, with the question to vote before the deadline ok ?
(21:13:54) duck__ left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 240 seconds).
(21:14:02) schumaml: and easily overturned by the remainder, if they so desire :)
(21:14:08) F_S: exactly
(21:14:40) F_S: so if the ranking is clear on monday, we follow it?
(21:15:32) dcrossland: P_W: sounds good tome
(21:16:07) duck__ [~duck at x1-6-28-c6-8e-96-11-aa.cpe.webspeed.dk] entered the room.
(21:16:22) schumaml: I'd say so, clear==checked for consistency
(21:16:30) F_S: ok
(21:17:49) P_W: Suppose: there is very little difference between the two preferred combinations, do you agree that in that case we call a meeting to discuss that ? 
(21:18:03) eimai_mob left the room (quit: Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client - http://www.yaaic.org).
(21:18:20) schumaml: P_W: a 'last call'?
(21:18:24) F_S: yes
(21:18:36) F_S: i think difference between one and two is not enormous
(21:18:38) F_S: now
(21:19:20) F_S: wait
(21:19:40) laraaa: i reckon best is to wait till monday when all vote's in
(21:19:43) F_S: ok sorry thought it changed
(21:19:47) F_S: yes let's do that
(21:20:01) P_W: laraaaaaaaa I agree
(21:20:30) laraaa: P_W :)
(21:20:53) P_W: you want to play the last walz, or end the meeting without too much deco .. ?
(21:21:13) laraaa: hahahaha
(21:21:18) P_W: curious for results of tomorrow evening ?
(21:21:38) P_W: thank you all, that's it for now
(21:21:52) eimai_mob [~yaaic at] entered the room.
(21:22:01) edtrager: Thank you, P_W! :-)
(21:22:26) edtrager: And everyone!
(21:22:47) schumaml: the waltz would be for the yet-to-be-established lgm ball ;)
(21:23:32) laraaa: get them gowns out gang

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