[LGM] lgm-org mailing list

ale rimoldi a.l.e at ideale.ch
Thu Nov 20 12:11:29 PST 2014


as announced a some time ago, we now have a libre-graphics-meeting-org
mailing list.

this evening i took the time to populate it and in there the people
listed here:


(as soon as the migration of the website is over:
http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/about/organization-team/ )

plus ginger as this year's main local organizer.

please, ask other people who are supposed to be on the list to register
by using the form:


or remove yourself from the list if you don't wish to be there.

the lgm-org list is members only, and members registration is moderated.

as a reminder, we still have to sort out how the archives are (or not)

have a wonderful night

More information about the Libre-graphics-meeting mailing list