[LGM] Quest for a new LGM server

Jehan Pagès jehan.marmottard at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 03:30:32 PDT 2014


On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 10:58 AM, ale rimoldi <a.l.e at ideale.ch> wrote:
> salut julien
>> Hello
>> On 17/10/14 01:43, Gregory Pittman wrote:
>>>>      We have two propositions:
>>>>      - https://www.gandi.net/hebergement/simple?language=php&db=mysql
>>>>      - https://www.metanet.ch/hosting/webhosting
>>>>      and we're happy to evaluate other proposals!
>>> Is there a way to find a sponsor to pay for this? Perhaps we can solicit
>>> to find someone to pay for this, for example, 2 years (or more) in
>>> advance.
>> I'm not really sure if I understand correctly the two propositions here,
>> but Gandi supports some free and open source projets. See the list here:
>> https://www.gandi.net/supports/ Maybe they would sponsor LGM.
>> Or is that already the case when Ale says "We have two propositions"?
> i consider that both of the propositions (now three) won't lead to financial
> problems for the LGM, so i didn't think it was a priority to discuss the way
> the money is made available...
> (in the worst case i can add the lgm to my metanet account, i have plenty of
> free resources. but i prefer not to do it)
> nice to hear that it would be possible to ask gandi.net for sponsoring! i've
> added the link to the ticket!

Yes gandi sponsors some projects. At the very least, I imagine that
LGM could obtain at least the deal that is given to all GNOME members:

Domains: https://www.gandi.net/domain/price/info?grid=E

Simple hosting:

SSL Certificates: https://www.gandi.net/ssl/grid

Cloud VPS servers (IaaS): https://www.gandi.net/hosting/iaas/prices?grid=E

Though of course, if some free resources for LGM can be bargained,
that would be better.

This said, I second TuxFamily. I use them for several hosting and I
think that's a great bunch of people. But that's a different sort.
It's less corporate and organized, more like LGM itself: various
people joined together in a non-profit organization for a common goal
and donating time. I'm fine with that, but I understand if some people
might want more "professional" support.


> ciao
> a.l.e
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