[LGM] should LGM or its site have something to say about Charlie Hebdo?

Louis Desjardins louis.desjardins at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 16:24:53 PST 2015

2015-01-17 16:49 GMT-05:00 Tobias Ellinghaus <houz at gmx.de>:

> Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2015, 12:51:24 schrieb Louis Desjardins:
> [...]
> > This is no common issue. 12 people at CH were sentenced to death and
> > executed because some others disagreed with what they drew and wrote.
> These
> > avengers believed that they had the right to do that, and they did, in
> > contradiction with the state of rights and in contradiction with the
> > freedom of speech.
> I don't see what all of this has to do with freedom of speech or state
> ideals.
> This wasn't the act of a state abusing its powers and deserving protest,
> this
> were a hand full of murderers who did what they did. All those protests are
> basically saying that there is a big (Islamic) population somewhere that
> needs
> to be told that WE are standing against them. Mixed with latent nationalism
> and xenophobia (at least the ones in Europe I have been seeing). They are
> blaming some phantom that only exists in the heads of a few, but they point
> fingers so broadly that way too many people are getting accused, too. I
> don't
> want to be part of that.

> Again, there is no death sentence or suppression of freedom of speech, so
> let's not overreact.

What is proposed here is a reaction. Not an overreaction! ;-)

Our reaction: publish a short word (couple of paragraphs) to reaffirm our
attachment to freedom of speech.

How does that connect with LGM?

We are putting together software libre graphics and we are using it and
sharing ideas and ideal on how make them better. We are pushing the idea of
open formats. We do have an ideal towards liberty. Software libre graphics
can be used freely, by anyone who can use a computer, to publish and share
ideas. It’s not as free as a pencil in the hand but it’s still Free Libre
and Open Source Software. It’s on the direct trajectory from the use of
carved stones to Gutenberg’s presses to linotype to photocomposition to
DTP, from carved fonts in metal and wood to designed fonts in bezier curves
and from the first daguerreotype to pixels... And all this is growing up
towards more and more communication between people. We’re helping that.
We’re part of that communication. LGM exists because we can communicate

Again, just a clear statement towards the values we all cherish and we all
use everyday. Let’s not forget that they are at risk. Let’s not forget we
are fragile.

Let’s not get this overcomplicated. Let’s not deviate from the core

The text proposed by Camille seems very good to me.



> [...]
> > Louis
> Tobias
> [...]
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