[LGM] should LGM or its site have something to say about Charlie Hebdo?

Tobias Ellinghaus houz at gmx.de
Sat Jan 17 13:49:34 PST 2015

Am Freitag, 16. Januar 2015, 12:51:24 schrieb Louis Desjardins:


> This is no common issue. 12 people at CH were sentenced to death and
> executed because some others disagreed with what they drew and wrote. These
> avengers believed that they had the right to do that, and they did, in
> contradiction with the state of rights and in contradiction with the
> freedom of speech.

I don't see what all of this has to do with freedom of speech or state ideals. 
This wasn't the act of a state abusing its powers and deserving protest, this 
were a hand full of murderers who did what they did. All those protests are 
basically saying that there is a big (Islamic) population somewhere that needs 
to be told that WE are standing against them. Mixed with latent nationalism 
and xenophobia (at least the ones in Europe I have been seeing). They are 
blaming some phantom that only exists in the heads of a few, but they point 
fingers so broadly that way too many people are getting accused, too. I don't 
want to be part of that.

Again, there is no death sentence or suppression of freedom of speech, so 
let's not overreact.


> Louis


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