[LGM] Hybrid Lecture Player - McLuhan Archives. Prototype launch

Simon Worthington simon at metamute.org
Sat Jul 4 04:36:03 PDT 2015


Archive publishing and software prototype that we were presenting back
in April at LGM 2015 in Toronto Uni., now release in full!!!




Hybrid Lecture Player - McLuhan Archives. Prototype launch

'Finally Getting the Message: McLuhan's Media Practice'
A lecture by Graham Larkin given at the Marshall McLuhan Salon, Canadian
Embassy, Berlin, in 2011

A publishing research prototype by the Hybrid Publishing Consortium

View the player - https://mcluhan.consortium.io/

The Hybrid Lecture Player is a new open source platform release that
allows you to turn lecture documentation into a multi-format publication.

The case study focuses on the long-running video documentation of an
insightful lecture by the historian and curator Graham Larkin on
Marshall McLuhan’s own experimental publishing and media practice. The
player unpacks the lecture’s sections to transform it into a hybrid
lecture environment that reveals the knowledge contained in the video in
exciting ways, encouraging users to watch it further and engage with
McLuhan archives.

The Hybrid Lecture Player is part of a broader investigation on
publishing and engagement with archives that we have called, 'Traces on
the Archive'. Traces refers to the users activity in the archive,
highlighting the hidden parts of the archive, and the visitor’s journey
through a collection. In addition to making multimedia content
practically available through digital technologies, such as the Hybrid
Lecture Player, the study also develops concepts that provide a variety
of methods and examples of how to access and activate an archive.

Code, demo and guide on GitHub - implement your own Hybrid Lecture Player!

Read about our research - 'Traces on the Archive'

Feedback and bug reporting appreciated as this is the first release of
the prototype with an exciting roadmap ahead.


Thanks to our collaboration partner on the project the Marshall McLuhan
Salon, Canadian Embassy, Berlin, which holds the largest Marshall
McLuhan archive in Europe. The Graham Larkin lecture (2011) was
supported, filmed and is used here courtesy of the Marshall McLuhan
Salon. http://www.mcluhan-salon.de/

Thanks to AVCO Ltd for the Hybrid Lecture Player development
contributions. http://avco.com

Simon Worthington - concept, project lead
Christina Kral - concept, project manager
Graham Larkin - lecturer, slides, network in Canada, exchange
Daniel Jackson, AVCO Ltd - Hybrid Lecture Player developer
Loraine Further - interface design
Johannes Amorosa - Sysadmin
Annika Gieselmann - transcription draft
Peter Carty - transcription copy editor
Baruch Gottlieb - associate editor
Stephen Kovats - instigator

Thank you to Baruch Gottlieb for proposing this lecture to use for this
case study.
Special thanks to Andrea Boegner and the Marshall McLuhan Salon at the
Canadian Embassy in Berlin for providing space, thought and materials in
order to see this case study come into existence.

Lecture courtesy of Graham Larkin. Slides, where applicable, courtesy
Graham Larkin and the Estates of Marshall and Corinne McLuhan from
archives held at the Libraries and Archives Canada (LAC).
Funded by the EU major project Innovation Incubator Lüneburg.
Hybrid Publishing Consortium is part of the Hybrid Publishing Lab at the
Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany and
is funded by the European Union and the German federal State of Lower

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