[LGM] some observations - day 4/last
Gregory Pittman
gpittman at iglou.com
Sat May 2 17:50:19 PDT 2015
How Hobbyists Impact Culture by Opening and Archiving - Diane Jung
Diane works with Creative Commons Korea, and from that perspective has
seen in increasing interest in people sharing their artwork in an
unrestricted way.
Ten Years of Pitivi (and of libre video editing in general) - Jean
François Fortin Tam
Jean stepped into Pitivi several years ago, around the time he first
came to LGM, and since then has been working on major improvements in
Pitivi, including some work from the ground up. The improvements in
Pitivi look impressive, with the release of 1.0 coming soon.
Project of a 2D Libre Movie: ZeMarmot - Jehan Pagès, Han Aryeom
We were indeed teased with a trailer for this project, now in the
process of seeking crowdfunding money to make it happen. The artwork is
impressive, done with Gimp and Blender.
How to Build an Online Animation Studio - David Andrade, Szymon
Buhajczuk, (and a third member)
This is something of a total reinvention of an animation studio, really
without a studio, since its members are scattered all over 3 continents.
By developing a system of regular online realtime reviews, they put out
some impressive work using open source software.
'I think that conversations are the best biggest thing that free
software has to offer its user' - Femke Snelting
OSP seems to be driven to create new methods, often by having some
specific project for which they make some new tools, and modify old ones
to their needs. Here we have a collaborative book, edited and set up for
publishing over the internet, with both physical copies and downloadable
versions available.
Finally, we had a brief introduction to the venue for LGM 2016, in
London at the University of Westminster in Harrow. Some of the precise
details are yet to be worked out, but Larisa is already assembling her team.
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