[LGM] GIMP 20 yo birthday

Joao S. O. Bueno gwidion at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 07:53:57 PDT 2015

Some several_ months ago, we talked about putting a new splash for the
development version - the eye popping idea is fun, but ....who is not
tired of it?

So, a "20 year" splash would be great!


On 30 September 2015 at 11:40, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmottard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> On 2015-11-21, this is GIMP's 20th birthday (based on the first public
> announcement of "The GIMP" in an email of 1995-11-21 by Peter Mattis.
> Well we have not done anything in LGM 2015, I don't think in the CC
> Camp either (though I was not there anyway), and in any case LGM is
> probably the best event for doing something about it.
> I was wondering if there could be an exposition in LGM 2016. I was
> thinking that the GIMP project could run a call for people to send
> artworks celebrating GIMP.
> So the question is: would there be a room available for this in the
> LGM 2016 location?
> Thanks!
> Jehan
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