[LGM] Pledgie

Pat David patdavid at gmail.com
Mon Jan 11 13:18:19 PST 2016

On Mon, Jan 11, 2016 at 1:33 PM Louis Desjardins <louis.desjardins at gmail.com>

> If I recall correctly, LGM2015 was created by ginger last year. In any
> event, it this info is not valid, the account has been created by someone
> we know.

So, to reiterate my question, should we be hunting down the credentials for
the LGM2015 account on Pledgie, or should I continue with the LGM2016
account created by Lara?

> The only address we have used over the years for Pledgie was
> libregraphicsmeeting [at] gmail [dot] com

Awesome, thank you!

>> If anyone can give me definitive answers to these questions, I can get
>> the Pledgie setup asap.
> Hope you have everything now.
> Let me know!

Well, sort of (see the first question).  Once I know that answer I can get
it all set up.
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