[LGM] LGM in Paris?

Jehan Pagès jehan.marmottard at gmail.com
Thu May 4 12:18:10 UTC 2017

Hi all!

On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 4:11 PM, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmottard at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 8:58 PM, ginger coons <ginger at adaptstudio.ca> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 12:58 PM, Jehan Pagès <jehan.marmottard at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 12:08 AM, Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> > Counting turnout is difficult, since people come and go from talk to
>>> > talk. I
>>> > would be curious to know how many e-mail addresses we've collected each
>>> > year, but I have no idea what happens to those. Anybody?
>>> Can we at least know the seat numbers of the conference rooms of
>>> Madrid and Leipzig's LGM? Since the rooms were mostly filled (and even
>>> a little more at times, I think), that would give a good idea of the
>>> attendance size.
>>> Is there anyone from the organization at that time who would have this
>>> information?
>> 2013 is the best year as far as stats go, but some are also available for
>> 2010 (Brussels) here:
>> http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/lgm/about/visitor-data/
>> Here's the information on Madrid, per the 2013 report
>> (http://libregraphicsmeeting.org/2013/report/index.html):
>> 4 days, 89 scheduled talks, 10 workshops, 3 performances, 3 lectures, 15
>> lightning talks
>> Hosted by Medialab Prado, Madrid (Spain)
>> Full simultaneous translation in English and Spanish
>> Registered on-line: 201
>> Total participants: 450
>> Programs distributed: 650
>> Registered at Welcome Desk: 155
>> Because local orgs do the data collection, it varies by year, as do any
>> reports that come out.
>> -g
> Thanks for all the detailed info.
> I have started discussing with a very cool place in Paris which
> regularly do FLOSS events and my contact person is very interested.
> But they are checking up with their boss first. Let's see how it goes.

Ok so I got a second message today. It seems it would be ok to do it
in this place. Yet they ask me to ask them again in October because
they don't have any visibility at this point about the schedule of the
conference room they would lend us.

So it is called "Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie" and is a
state-funded place.
Website: http://www.cite-sciences.fr/
>From Wikipedia:
« The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie is the biggest science
museum in Europe. Located in Parc de la Villette in Paris, France, it
is one of the three dozen Cultural Centers of Science, Technology and
Industry (CCSTI), promoting science and science culture. »

So it is not specifically a graphics or arts place, but I chose it on
purpose and know it well because it regularly hosts FLOSS events
(Monthly "Samedi du Libre", Ubuntu Party every few months, etc.) and
they love Free Software. In particular, it has a very cool place
called "Carrefour Numérique²" with an awesome hackerspace and all the
machines you'd need in such a place, and a few other rooms where LGM
hacking meetings or workshop can be held without issue. The Blender
User Group of Paris meets there every month as well, and they use an
awesome room with powerful computers (so workshops can be done without
asking people to bring their own laptops and install stuff beforehand,
which is a good time saver).
Carrefour Numérique²:

We will also have room to organize an exhibition as we did in London
(something we should do every year IMO!).
It also has a huge audience whether on weekdays and weekend, so we
should be able to attract quite a few random people easily.

>From what I understood the room they could lend us is the
"Auditorium", which has 361 seats. Seeing past audience of LGM (which
culminated at 450 for the whole LGM in Madrid), that should be enough,
though I do hope we will fill it entirely. :-)

Why I chose this over universities (where a LGM could be easily hosted
as well but I decided to not even ask) is because of our discussions
where we thought that this kind of places dedicated to host events may
actually be a much better fit. Also this is really an awesome place
which I know quite well, with parks around (we could picnic if the
weather is nice) and a lot of cool stuff to see if interested.
Also I have myself organized an event there many years ago.

Now I will still want to wait until October to make sure everything is
OK. Moreover I believe that they will lend us the space
free-of-charge, but since we request a bigger room (they also have
smaller conference rooms inside Carrefour Numérique² but we need
more), I will need to make sure of all the details.
So I will contact you within a few months when they tell me more.

Yet things look bright, and I wanted to update you with the advancement.


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