[LGM] Formal Motion on 2018 and 2019 Venues

Jehan Pagès jehan.marmottard at gmail.com
Mon May 8 18:46:09 UTC 2017


On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 8:04 PM, Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Per Lara's suggestion, I have opened an Etherpad document here (
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/LGM_2018_Venue_Poll ) to record votes prior
> to the IRC chat, and I have voted. I encourage others to do so as soon as
> possible.

I have read both propositions and voted yes to both.
Also I added the links to the proposals on the pad as well, so that
people don't have to dig in the ML history to find these.

> Per Louis's suggestion, I set the deadline for the 2019 question a week
> later so that we can focus on 2018 over the next week or so.

Good. A week is ok. But there is no reason to delay much more. So
that's a good delay choice. :-)

What would be really good as the next step for the 2018 LGM
(Saarbruecken if we agree on this, which seem like it will be the
case) will be that as soon as the vote is over, a new Wordpress is
installed under 2018/ on the web server, not public yet (or at least
not the default redirection) and an admin account could be given to
the local team for them to design it. Ideally in the next few months,
a brand new website at Saarbruecken colors could be up and publicly
visible with the basic information (the kind of information from the
proposal is a start). This should also help for funding to have a web


P.S.: thanks Frank for making this all in the public mailing list. As
you know, I really much appreciate this! :-)

> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 12:46 PM, Louis Desjardins
> <louis.desjardins at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2017-05-08 11:15 GMT-04:00 Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com>:
>>> The reason that I'm trying to push this along is that Soenke from
>>> Saarbruecken had mentioned that he would probably need to start the formal
>>> process on some of the grants by the beginning of June.
>> Hi Frank,
>> It’s very much appreciated that you push this.
>> With no intention of slowing things down, my take is we should stick to
>> our voting process. What has become urgent can be treated as such.
>> Keeping the focus on Saarbruecken for the 2018 decision in a timely manner
>> for the host is the way to go, IMO.
>> Once 2018 has the go, we can concentrate on 2019. Which can happen also as
>> quickly as possible.
>> Thanks for raising the flag!
>> Cheers,
>> Louis
>>> What sort of additional information would you like to request from the
>>> hosts? I already verified that the information in their proposals was still
>>> valid, and, since they're already being so generous with their time, I don't
>>> want to subject them to any unnecessary repetition.
>>> I may be in transit at the time of the proposed meeting next week. Would
>>> somebody save a chat log? And could we elaborate in advance what alternative
>>> courses of action would be discussed?
>>> On Mon, May 8, 2017 at 10:03 AM, Joao S. O. Bueno <gwidion at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 8 May 2017 at 11:30, Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > (This is the first time that we've done this on the main list rather
>>>> > than
>>>> > the organization list, I think, so bear with me.)
>>>> >
>>>> > LGM has received hosting proposals from Saarbruecken and Milan for the
>>>> > 2018
>>>> > and 2019 events. Both proposals are very strong and combine exciting
>>>> > locations and facilities with interested and supportive local
>>>> > communities,
>>>> > and so I believe that it makes sense to accept both of them. The
>>>> > Saarbruecken team have some significant fundraising opportunities that
>>>> > may
>>>> > only be available for 2018, though, so it makes sense, at least to me,
>>>> > that
>>>> > we meet in Saarbruecken in 2018 and Milan in 2019.
>>>> >
>>>> > As such, I propose the following motion:
>>>> >
>>>> > The Libre Graphics Meeting will take place in Saarbruecken in 2018
>>>> > with
>>>> > Soenke Zehle as lead local organizer and in Milan in 2019 with Zoe
>>>> > Romano as
>>>> > lead local organizer.
>>>> Hi Frank - I thank you for acting as an embassador to the proponents
>>>> of both venues,
>>>> but before casting  a "formal vote" - or whatever- I think it would be
>>>> nice to have the direct
>>>> "voice" of both proponents in an updated e-mail on this list :-)
>>>> Tehn we could do one thing I not do for the 2017 conference and that was
>>>> pointed
>>>> as the main motive for the small size of this years issue: we do a
>>>> live meeting on
>>>> IRC to debate the pros and cons of either proposal (or another approach)
>>>> - and
>>>> settle for that.
>>>> In oder not to stall things, I propose the date-time for this meeting to
>>>> be
>>>> at 21h00 C.E.T. next Thursday (May, the 11th) on freenode #LGM.
>>>> (We don't have to decide the venue this week - and we have had more
>>>> people
>>>> talking here than over the last several months  - but this things
>>>> could be discussed
>>>> live)
>>>> >
>>>>   js
>>>>  -><-
>>>> >
>>>> > It's very important that we resolve this in a timely fashion so that
>>>> > our
>>>> > hosts can begin planning, scheduling, networking, and fundraising.
>>>> > It's also
>>>> > important that we get positive responses here; silence is not a very
>>>> > reassuring form of endorsement.
>>>> >
>>>> >
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