[LGM] LGM 2019 - Funding

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Wed May 1 18:00:10 UTC 2019

At this point, I think it's a matter of unruffling feathers and then seeing if this can be worked out. If Google is insistent on sole funding for the videos, then it may be that they need to be told this is not available. If they can be flexible, considering that the potential partner in sponsoring is not a competitor, and indeed one of the prime projects to start LGM in the first place (I hope they don't need to be told this).

Gimp must have its due in this situation, just as we would be fair if some other concern approached us about funding after Google. We need to have some clear points for Dave to take back to them to see if it can be worked out.


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