[LGM] LGM 2019 - Funding

Soenke Zehle soenke at kein.org
Thu May 2 11:11:08 UTC 2019

Hi Pippin,

do you have an idea for a way forward here? I see the problems /
concerns, was not fully aware (apologies) of the issues regarding
co-sponsorship, but would like to see a solution emerge. Do you have a
suggestion for how best to handle Google's interest in linking
sponsorship to whatever kind of visibility?

Is GIMP ok with creating different versions of the video documentation?

If not that, what do you think is the best way to both honor the
understanding GIMP and LGM have reached and work with Google?

Or are you suggesting LGM not accept the offer? My sense is that a lot
of self-organized projects deal with these issues, some can afford to
pick and choose, others cannot; I do not know whether LGM is in the
position to not accept such a sponsorship offer given that it also
wants to offer travel support.



Am Do., 2. Mai 2019 um 00:22 Uhr schrieb Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com>:
> Okay. So dual-logo doesn't work either. How about this? We create some video channel not on YouTube, Google pays for everything, Google gets recognition (with logo) on the YouTube channel in recognition of its financial contribution, the GIMP gets recognition (with logo) on the other channel in recognition of its ongoing willingness to do whatever is necessary to keep the boat afloat. Or something like that?
> On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 4:53 PM Øyvind Kolås <pippin at gimp.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 9:19 PM Frank Trampe <frank.trampe at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > A deal with Google would not disrupt any existing arrangements for video recording (unless the people participating themselves refused). If Google sponsors and the GIMP project provides the video recording services, the GIMP organization would invoice for the services provided.
>> >
>> > Does this mean, by the way, that c3voc isn't available on our dates?
>> Last year - upon receiving its thus far largest single donation, from
>> the handshake foundation, GIMP decided to *spend* some of the received
>> funds on a larger sponsorship of LGM than usual (many years GIMP have
>> sponsored social events and even the general travel reimbursement
>> fund.) GIMP considers LGM important enough that in the past we indeed
>> sponsored the travel of people from other projects if the crowd
>> funding/sponsorship efforts failed to meet expectations, in the future
>> we hope that other projects involved get successful enough in their
>> fund-raising that they also can contribute financially in addition to
>> helping out with organizing the event (and funding own participants
>> travel and accomodation). The videos are one of the most substantial
>> traces of the event. GIMP has offering funds to get C3VOC to use
>> professional and streamlined workflow and equipment for the
>> capture/streaming and creation of videos. Keeping them
>> advertising/logo free is valuable to us (LGM/GIMP), we also prefer our
>> logo to not show up as a sponsor along with corporate sponsors; and
>> would rather be mentioned in text - or perhaps not at all. if others
>> use logos on the website.
>> /pippin
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