[LGM] LGM 2019 - Funding

Aude Poilroux ap at k8.design
Mon May 6 09:41:24 UTC 2019

Dear everyone,

we need urgently a decision under which conditions we can accept the Google
sponsoring. Since communication items such as the LGM poster will be
printed tomorrow, *we need a final decision today*.

If the LGM community does not accept the Google sponsoring, we will have to
recalculate the general budget and see which budgets cuts are still
possible (quite a lot of financial issues have already been negotiated and
accepted, google sponsoring will be mainly used for travel cost
reimbursement and communication costs).

Thank you for your quick answer

Best regards

Aude - for the local organisation team

Aude Poilroux

*Coordination, Gestion de projets*K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik
Keplerstr. 3-5
D-66117 Saarbrücken
Tel: +49 681 84 492 069
Mobil: +49 176 228 228 63

Am Fr., 3. Mai 2019 um 18:29 Uhr schrieb Jehan <jehan at girinstud.io>:

> Hi!
> First of all, thanks for the various subsequent emails. It seems that
> the issue is well understood and appreciated by most (i.e. the issue
> **not** being that we want some kind of unique recognition or  a
> GIMP-branded video 🙄).
> On 2019-05-03 21:11, Dave Crossland wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > It seems this was discussed on 4th of March on irc, if anyone has the
> > link to the public irclog that might be helpful.
> >
> > I found a chat log with me and Soenke where we discussed this on that
> > day, please find attached screenshot. My second draft that I posted
> > yesterday is based on the idea posed to me in that chat.
> >
> > My intent was never a "permanantly visible logo", like an overlay all
> > over the length of the video;
> Yeah I understood that is not what was asked. For the record, I would
> have been completely against this!
> > it was always a slide with either just
> > Google, or all the sponsors, at the start/end of each video for a few
> > seconds.
> I would not agree with a slide with Google logo only personally unless
> it could be made in a very unintrusive way (but really, I don't see
> how). Basically this event is not called "Google Libre Graphics Meeting"
> and I certainly don't want a single big company to seemingly get
> "ownership" of the events just because they give big money. Our "souls"
> are not for sale.
> Now I would find fair a page with **all** the corporate sponsors with a
> clear text explaining these are events sponsor. Though I think this page
> could only be at the end with the credits (I would find it quite
> oppressive at the start, still for the same reason).
> Now this is only my personal vote, not GIMP decision. This would have to
> be discussed with the others first and considering our last vote, I
> believe this may not go this way.
> > I sponsor a number of type design community events around the world,
> > any this is the typical sponsor benefit; it's worked both ways (solo
> > logo, multi logos) in the past for other events.
> >
> > Anyway, if the gimp team wants the Google logo only on the website and
> > printed programme, not any videos associated with LGM, please let us
> > know :)
> We'll discuss this and tell you, I guess.
> Jehan
> > Cheers
> > Dave
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