LGM 25 Nuremberg: HELP REQUIRED Online Resources

Timothée Giet animtim at gmail.com
Thu Dec 5 11:40:31 UTC 2024

Le 05/12/2024 à 11:32, Lasse Fister a écrit :
> Hello everyone.
> Three days ago, I reached out to this list 
> (https://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/libre-graphics-meeting/2024-December/002797.html) 
> in order to get the keys to, or at least access to change the contents 
> of, the online resources of the LGM.
> I also tried to contact in a separate mail Ale Rimoldi,  Louis 
> Desjardins, Manuel Schmalstieg and Timothée Giet as from some research 
> in the mailing list archives and here 
> https://github.com/libregraphicsmeeting/infrastructure/blob/master/accounts.md they 
> at least seem to be in contact with someone who can help me.
> If someone can help me change the DNS entry of the 
> libregraphicsmeeting.org domain, once the new server is ready, that 
> would be the minimum I need right now.
> If someone can establish contact, that would be great as well.
> BTW https://libregraphicsmeeting.org/ is down again, moving to a new 
> server/host is overdue anyway.
> Best, Lasse

Hello Lasse,

For the last few years, the workflow to publish the website was to have 
the pages on the libregraphicsmeeting github account and they were 
published automatically to the website after each commit.

I think it's Ale who was in charge of setting-up this system on the 
github side at least.

About moving to a new server, given how unreliable tuxfamily has been 
lately, that is indeed a good idea. If you can provide the hosting for 
this year, and ideally the coming years, that would be great (note you'd 
need to host both the yearly site, the previous years archive and the 
generic pages).

About who has access to change the DNS entry, I'm not sure who it is 
between Louis, Ale and Manuel. If anyone on this list has a more direct 
way (phone number) to contact any of them, it would be nice to do so to 
ask them to answer to this mail in order to get things moving quickly.



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