[Libreoffice-commits] .: bin/tinbuild

Thorsten Behrens thorsten at kemper.freedesktop.org
Mon Feb 28 08:35:34 PST 2011

 bin/tinbuild |  313 -----------------------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 313 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 95ee50aa40508c88c495bba1b50614fa06651106
Author: Thorsten Behrens <tbehrens at novell.com>
Date:   Mon Feb 28 17:34:27 2011 +0100

    Removed tinbuild script
    tinbuild is now maintained in a separate repo:

diff --git a/bin/tinbuild b/bin/tinbuild
deleted file mode 100755
index b4c3800..0000000
--- a/bin/tinbuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-export LC_ALL="C"
-## default config
-## subroutines
-usage ()
-	echo "Usage: $0 [options]"
-	echo "Options:"
-	echo "-h         this help"
-	echo "-i         run with ionice -c3, can be combined with -n"
-	echo "-l         write html build log"
-	echo "-m <owner> mail errors to the committer, general errors to the <owner>"
-	echo "-n         run with nice, can be combined with -i"
-	echo "-s <host>  SMTP server"
-	echo "-c <type>  SMTP crypt to use - either none, tls or ssl"
-	echo "-u <user>  SMTP user name for auth login"
-	echo "-p <pass>  SMTP password for auth login"
-	echo "-t <name>  send tinderbox mails, identify self as <name>"
-	echo "-w <N>     specify timeout in secs between subsequent pull requests"
-getCommitters ()
-	from_date="$1"
-	./g -s log '--pretty=tformat:%ce' --after="$from_date" | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ','
-sendMailMsg ()
-	TO="$1"
-	SUBJECT="$2"
-	HEADERS="$3"
-	BCC="$4"
-	LOG="$5"
-	echo $BCC
-	perl -e "
-use MIME::Lite;
-my \$text;
-while (<>) {
-    \$text .= \$_;
-\$msg = MIME::Lite->new(
-    From => '$OWNER',
-    To => '$TO',
-    Subject => '$SUBJECT',
-    Type => 'TEXT',
-    Data => \$text
-) or die \"Error creating multipart container: \$!\n\";
-if ('$LOG' ne '' && -f '$LOG') {
-    \$msg->attach (
-        Type => 'application/x-gzip',
-        Path => '$LOG',
-        Filename => '$LOG',
-        Disposition => 'attachment'
-    ) or die \"Error adding $LOG: \$!\n\";
-my \$smtp_class = '$SMTPCRYPT' eq 'none' ? 
-    'Net::SMTP' : 
-    '$SMTPCRYPT' eq 'ssl' ? 'Net::SMTP::SSL' : 'Net::SMTP::TLS';
-eval \"use \$smtp_class\";
-my \$SMTP = \$smtp_class->new(
-    Hello => 'documentfoundation.org',
-	Port => '$SMTPPORT',
-	User => '$SMTPUSER',
-	Password => '$SMTPPW' );
-die \"Cannot connect to SMTP server!\" unless defined \$SMTP;
-\$SMTP->bcc('$BCC') if ('$BCC' ne '');
-\$SMTP->datasend( \$msg->as_string() );
-print 'Sent a mail to \"$TO\" with subject \"$SUBJECT\".' . \"\n\";
-reportError ()
-	error_kind="$1"
-	shift
-	rough_time="$1"
-	shift
-	to_mail=
-	if test "$SEND_MAIL" -eq 1; then
-		case "$error_kind" in
-			owner) to_mail="$OWNER"
-			       message="box broken" ;;
-			*)     if test -z "$last_success" ; then
-			          # we need at least one successful build to
-				  # be reliable
-			          to_mail="$OWNER"
-			       else
-			          to_mail=`getCommitters "$last_success"`
-			       fi
-			       message="last success: $rough_time" ;;
-		esac
-	fi
-	echo "$*" 1>&2
-	echo "Last success: $rough_time" 1>&2
-	if test -n "$to_mail" ; then
-		if test "$SEND_MAIL" -eq 1 -a -n "$TINDERNAME" ; then
-			TINDER1="`echo 'Full log available at http://tinderbox.go-oo.org/MASTER/status.html'`"
-			TINDER2="`echo \"Box name: $TINDERNAME\"`"
-		fi
-		cat <<EOF | sendMailMsg "$to_mail" "Tinderbox failure, $message" "" "$OWNER"
-Hi folks,
-One of you broke the build of LibreOffice master with your commit :-(
-Please commit and push a fix ASAP!
-Tinderbox info:
-  ${TINDER2}
-  Machine: `uname -a`
-  Configured with: `cat autogen.lastrun`
-Commits since the last success:
-`./g log '--pretty=tformat:%h  %s' --after="$last_success" | sed 's/^/  /'`
-The error is:
-	else
-		echo "$*" 1>&2
-		if test "$error_kind" = "owner" ; then
-			exit 1
-		fi
-	fi
-gitHeads ()
-	./g rev-parse --verify HEAD
-currentTime ()
-	if [ "X$MACHINE" == "XDarwin" ] ; then
-	    date -u '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
-	else
-	    date --utc --rfc-3339=seconds
-	fi
-sendTinderboxLog ()
-	if test "$SEND_MAIL" -ne 1 -o -z "$TINDERNAME" ; then
-		return 0
-	fi
-	STATUS="$2"
-	LOG="$3"
-	XTINDER=",'X-Tinder:'=>'cookie'"
-tinderbox: administrator: $OWNER
-tinderbox: buildname: $TINDERNAME
-tinderbox: tree: MASTER
-tinderbox: starttime: `date '+%s' -d \"$STARTTIME\"`
-tinderbox: timenow: `date '+%s'`
-tinderbox: errorparser: unix
-tinderbox: status: $STATUS
-tinderbox: END
-	if [ "$LOG" = "yes" ] ; then
-		GZLOG="tinder.log.gz"
-		( echo "$MESSAGE" ; cat autogen.log clean.log build.log smoketest.log install.log 2>/dev/null ) | gzip -c > "$GZLOG"
-		XTINDER=",'X-Tinder:'=>'gzookie'"
-	fi
-	echo "$MESSAGE" | sendMailMsg "tinderbox at gimli.documentfoundation.org" "tinderbox gzipped logfile" "$XTINDER" "" "$GZLOG"
-## code
-while getopts hilm:ns:c:u:p:t:w: opt ; do
-	case "$opt" in
-		h) usage; exit ;;
-		i) NICE="$NICE ionice -c3" ;;
-		l) HTML_OUTPUT=1 ;;
-		m) SEND_MAIL=1 ; OWNER="$OPTARG" ;;
-		n) NICE="$NICE nice" ;;
-		p) SMTPPW="$OPTARG" ;;
-		?) usage; exit ;;
-	esac
-# sanity checks
-which git > /dev/null 2>&1 || {
-    echo "You need git for this!"
-	exit 1
-if test "$SEND_MAIL" -eq 1 ; then
-	if test -z "$OWNER" ; then
-		echo "Owner not set."
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	if test -z "$SMTPHOST" ; then
-		echo "SMTP server not set."
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	if test "$OWNER" = `echo ${OWNER} | sed 's/\@/_/g'` ; then
-		echo "The owner address '$OWNER' does not look like an email address."
-		exit 1
-	fi
-# for build.pl
-test $HTML_OUTPUT -eq 1 && export BUILD_HTML_OUTPUT=true
-# main
-while true; do
-	err_msg=""
-	# cleanup
-	$NICE make clean
-	# FIXME we need a more exact way to determine a 'good' date; this is not accurate
-	rough_checkout_date="`currentTime`"
-	sendTinderboxLog "$rough_checkout_date" "building"
-	# try to build
-	build_status="build_failed"
-	if ! $NICE ./autogen.sh >autogen.log 2>&1 ; then
-		reportError committer "$rough_checkout_date" `printf "autogen.sh / configure failed - error is:\n\n"` "$(cat autogen.log)"
-	elif ! $NICE make clean >clean.log 2>&1 ; then
-		reportError committer "$rough_checkout_date" `printf "cleaning up failed - error is:\n\n"` "$(tail -n100 clean.log)"
-	elif ! $NICE make >build.log 2>&1 ; then
-		reportError committer "$rough_checkout_date" `printf "building failed - error is:\n\n"` "$(tail -n100 build.log)"
-#	elif ! $NICE make smoketest > smoketest.log 2>&1 ; then
-#		reportError committer "$rough_checkout_date" `printf "smoketest failed - error is:\n\n"` "$(tail -n100 smoketest.log)"
-	elif ! $NICE make dev-install >install.log 2>&1 ; then
-		reportError committer "$rough_checkout_date" `printf "dev installation failed - error is:\n\n"` "$(tail -n100 install.log)"
-	else
-		echo "Build done - checkout from $rough_checkout_date successful."
-		gitHeads > prev-git-heads.txt
-		prev_success=$last_success
-		last_success=$rough_checkout_date
-		build_status="success"
-	fi
-	# send tinderbox mail
-	sendTinderboxLog "$rough_checkout_date" "$build_status" "yes"
-	# save the old logs
-	for I in autogen.log clean.log build.log smoketest.log install.log ; do
-		mv $I prev-$I 2>/dev/null
-	done
-	echo updating repo
-	# new commits?
-	while true; do
-		old_head=$(gitHeads) && err_msg="$(./g pull -r 2>&1)" ||
-		{
-			reportError owner "$rough_checkout_date" `printf "git repo broken - error is:\n\n$err_msg"`
-		}
-		new_head=$(gitHeads)
-		if test "$old_head" != "$new_head"; then
-			break
-		fi
-		echo "Waiting $PAUSE_SECONDS seconds."
-	done

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