[Libreoffice-commits] dev-tools.git: ciabot/bugzilla

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Wed Oct 7 05:12:23 PDT 2015

 ciabot/bugzilla/__init__.py   |  133 +++
 ciabot/bugzilla/base.py       | 1762 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 ciabot/bugzilla/bug.py        |  517 ++++++++++++
 ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla3.py  |   34 
 ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla4.py  |   47 +
 ciabot/bugzilla/rhbugzilla.py |  368 ++++++++
 6 files changed, 2861 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 1a3ba69f8baa627412d86d8a7ef944a005e1385c
Author: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos at collabora.co.uk>
Date:   Wed Oct 7 14:10:40 2015 +0200

    ciabot: bundle special bugzilla python bindings
    At least it's something different compared to what I have in my
    python-bugzilla package on openSUSE, and seems this was installed in
    /usr/local on the production instance so far.
    Change-Id: Ic485140ee7d6d19107deca6507f695fa6737f465

diff --git a/ciabot/bugzilla/__init__.py b/ciabot/bugzilla/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..382db52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ciabot/bugzilla/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+# python-bugzilla - a Python interface to bugzilla using xmlrpclib.
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Red Hat Inc.
+# Author: Will Woods <wwoods at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
+# the full text of the license.
+__version__ = "1.1.0"
+version = __version__
+import sys
+from logging import getLogger
+if hasattr(sys.version_info, "major") and sys.version_info.major >= 3:
+    # pylint: disable=F0401
+    from xmlrpc.client import Fault, ServerProxy
+    from xmlrpclib import Fault, ServerProxy
+log = getLogger("bugzilla")
+from bugzilla.base import BugzillaBase as _BugzillaBase
+from bugzilla.base import BugzillaError
+from bugzilla.base import RequestsTransport as _RequestsTransport
+from bugzilla.bugzilla3 import Bugzilla3, Bugzilla32, Bugzilla34, Bugzilla36
+from bugzilla.bugzilla4 import Bugzilla4, Bugzilla42, Bugzilla44
+from bugzilla.rhbugzilla import RHBugzilla, RHBugzilla3, RHBugzilla4
+# Back compat for deleted NovellBugzilla
+class NovellBugzilla(Bugzilla34):
+    pass
+def _getBugzillaClassForURL(url, sslverify):
+    url = Bugzilla3.fix_url(url)
+    log.debug("Detecting subclass for %s", url)
+    s = ServerProxy(url, _RequestsTransport(url, sslverify=sslverify))
+    rhbz = False
+    bzversion = ''
+    c = None
+    if "bugzilla.redhat.com" in url:
+        log.info("Using RHBugzilla for URL containing bugzilla.redhat.com")
+        return RHBugzilla
+    if "bugzilla.novell.com" in url:
+        log.info("Using NovellBugzilla for URL containing novell.com")
+        return NovellBugzilla
+    # Check for a Red Hat extension
+    try:
+        log.debug("Checking for Red Hat Bugzilla extension")
+        extensions = s.Bugzilla.extensions()
+        if extensions.get('extensions', {}).get('RedHat', False):
+            rhbz = True
+    except Fault:
+        pass
+    log.debug("rhbz=%s", str(rhbz))
+    # Try to get the bugzilla version string
+    try:
+        log.debug("Checking return value of Bugzilla.version()")
+        r = s.Bugzilla.version()
+        bzversion = r['version']
+    except Fault:
+        pass
+    log.debug("bzversion='%s'", str(bzversion))
+    # note preference order: RHBugzilla* wins if available
+    if rhbz:
+        c = RHBugzilla
+    elif bzversion.startswith("4."):
+        if bzversion.startswith("4.0"):
+            c = Bugzilla4
+        elif bzversion.startswith("4.2"):
+            c = Bugzilla42
+        else:
+            log.debug("No explicit match for %s, using latest bz4", bzversion)
+            c = Bugzilla44
+    else:
+        if bzversion.startswith('3.6'):
+            c = Bugzilla36
+        elif bzversion.startswith('3.4'):
+            c = Bugzilla34
+        elif bzversion.startswith('3.2'):
+            c = Bugzilla32
+        else:
+            log.debug("No explicit match for %s, fall through", bzversion)
+            c = Bugzilla3
+    return c
+class Bugzilla(_BugzillaBase):
+    '''
+    Magical Bugzilla class that figures out which Bugzilla implementation
+    to use and uses that.
+    '''
+    def _init_class_from_url(self, url, sslverify):
+        if url is None:
+            raise TypeError("You must pass a valid bugzilla URL")
+        c = _getBugzillaClassForURL(url, sslverify)
+        if not c:
+            raise ValueError("Couldn't determine Bugzilla version for %s" %
+                             url)
+        self.__class__ = c
+        log.info("Chose subclass %s v%s", c.__name__, c.version)
+        return True
+# This is the list of possible Bugzilla instances an app can use,
+# bin/bugzilla uses it for the --bztype field
+classlist = [
+    "Bugzilla3", "Bugzilla32", "Bugzilla34", "Bugzilla36",
+    "Bugzilla4", "Bugzilla42", "Bugzilla44",
+    "RHBugzilla3", "RHBugzilla4", "RHBugzilla",
+    "NovellBugzilla",
+# This is the public API. If you are explicitly instantiating any other
+# class, using some function, or poking into internal files, don't complain
+# if things break on you.
+__all__ = classlist + [
+    'BugzillaError',
+    'Bugzilla',
diff --git a/ciabot/bugzilla/base.py b/ciabot/bugzilla/base.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9b4e28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ciabot/bugzilla/base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1762 @@
+# base.py - the base classes etc. for a Python interface to bugzilla
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat Inc.
+# Author: Will Woods <wwoods at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
+# the full text of the license.
+import locale
+import os
+import sys
+from io import BytesIO
+if hasattr(sys.version_info, "major") and sys.version_info.major >= 3:
+    # pylint: disable=F0401,E0611
+    from configparser import SafeConfigParser
+    from http.cookiejar import LoadError, LWPCookieJar, MozillaCookieJar
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qsl
+    from xmlrpc.client import (
+        Binary, Fault, ProtocolError, ServerProxy, Transport)
+    from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
+    from cookielib import LoadError, LWPCookieJar, MozillaCookieJar
+    from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qsl
+    from xmlrpclib import (
+        Binary, Fault, ProtocolError, ServerProxy, Transport)
+import requests
+from bugzilla import __version__, log
+from bugzilla.bug import _Bug, _User
+# Backwards compatibility
+Bug = _Bug
+mimemagic = None
+def _detect_filetype(fname):
+    # pylint: disable=E1103
+    # E1103: Instance of 'bool' has no '%s' member
+    # pylint confuses mimemagic to be of type 'bool'
+    global mimemagic
+    if mimemagic is None:
+        try:
+            # pylint: disable=F0401
+            # F0401: Unable to import 'magic' (import-error)
+            import magic
+            mimemagic = magic.open(getattr(magic, "MAGIC_MIME_TYPE", 16))
+            mimemagic.load()
+        except ImportError:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            log.debug("Could not load python-magic: %s", e)
+            mimemagic = False
+    if mimemagic is False:
+        return None
+    if not os.path.isabs(fname):
+        return None
+    try:
+        return mimemagic.file(fname)
+    except Exception:
+        e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+        log.debug("Could not detect content_type: %s", e)
+    return None
+def _build_cookiejar(cookiefile):
+    cj = MozillaCookieJar(cookiefile)
+    if cookiefile is None:
+        return cj
+    if not os.path.exists(cookiefile):
+        # Make sure a new file has correct permissions
+        open(cookiefile, 'a').close()
+        os.chmod(cookiefile, 0o600)
+        cj.save()
+        return cj
+    # We always want to use Mozilla cookies, but we previously accepted
+    # LWP cookies. If we see the latter, convert it to former
+    try:
+        cj.load()
+        return cj
+    except LoadError:
+        pass
+    try:
+        cj = LWPCookieJar(cookiefile)
+        cj.load()
+    except LoadError:
+        raise BugzillaError("cookiefile=%s not in LWP or Mozilla format" %
+                            cookiefile)
+    retcj = MozillaCookieJar(cookiefile)
+    for cookie in cj:
+        retcj.set_cookie(cookie)
+    retcj.save()
+    return retcj
+class _BugzillaToken(object):
+    def __init__(self, uri, tokenfilename):
+        self.tokenfilename = tokenfilename
+        self.tokenfile = SafeConfigParser()
+        self.domain = urlparse(uri)[1]
+        if self.tokenfilename:
+            self.tokenfile.read(self.tokenfilename)
+        if self.domain not in self.tokenfile.sections():
+            self.tokenfile.add_section(self.domain)
+    @property
+    def value(self):
+        if self.tokenfile.has_option(self.domain, 'token'):
+            return self.tokenfile.get(self.domain, 'token')
+        else:
+            return None
+    @value.setter
+    def value(self, value):
+        if self.value == value:
+            return
+        if value is None:
+            self.tokenfile.remove_option(self.domain, 'token')
+        else:
+            self.tokenfile.set(self.domain, 'token', value)
+        if self.tokenfilename:
+            with open(self.tokenfilename, 'w') as tokenfile:
+                log.debug("Saving to tokenfile")
+                self.tokenfile.write(tokenfile)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<Bugzilla Token :: %s>' % (self.value)
+class _BugzillaServerProxy(ServerProxy):
+    def __init__(self, uri, tokenfile, *args, **kwargs):
+        # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
+        # No idea why pylint complains here, must be a bug
+        ServerProxy.__init__(self, uri, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.token = _BugzillaToken(uri, tokenfile)
+    def clear_token(self):
+        self.token.value = None
+    def _ServerProxy__request(self, methodname, params):
+        if self.token.value is not None:
+            if len(params) == 0:
+                params = ({}, )
+            if 'Bugzilla_token' not in params[0]:
+                params[0]['Bugzilla_token'] = self.token.value
+        # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
+        ret = ServerProxy._ServerProxy__request(self, methodname, params)
+        # pylint: enable=maybe-no-member
+        if isinstance(ret, dict) and 'token' in ret.keys():
+            self.token.value = ret.get('token')
+        return ret
+class RequestsTransport(Transport):
+    user_agent = 'Python/Bugzilla'
+    def __init__(self, url, cookiejar=None,
+                 sslverify=True, sslcafile=None, debug=0):
+        # pylint: disable=W0231
+        # pylint does not handle multiple import of Transport well
+        if hasattr(Transport, "__init__"):
+            Transport.__init__(self, use_datetime=False)
+        self.verbose = debug
+        self._cookiejar = cookiejar
+        # transport constructor needs full url too, as xmlrpc does not pass
+        # scheme to request
+        self.scheme = urlparse(url)[0]
+        if self.scheme not in ["http", "https"]:
+            raise Exception("Invalid URL scheme: %s (%s)" % (self.scheme, url))
+        self.use_https = self.scheme == 'https'
+        self.request_defaults = {
+            'cert': sslcafile if self.use_https else None,
+            'cookies': cookiejar,
+            'verify': sslverify,
+            'headers': {
+                'Content-Type': 'text/xml',
+                'User-Agent': self.user_agent,
+            }
+        }
+    def parse_response(self, response):
+        """ Parse XMLRPC response """
+        parser, unmarshaller = self.getparser()
+        parser.feed(response.text.encode('utf-8'))
+        parser.close()
+        return unmarshaller.close()
+    def _request_helper(self, url, request_body):
+        """
+        A helper method to assist in making a request and provide a parsed
+        response.
+        """
+        response = None
+        try:
+            response = requests.post(
+                url, data=request_body, **self.request_defaults)
+            # We expect utf-8 from the server
+            response.encoding = 'UTF-8'
+            # update/set any cookies
+            if self._cookiejar is not None:
+                for cookie in response.cookies:
+                    self._cookiejar.set_cookie(cookie)
+                if self._cookiejar.filename is not None:
+                    # Save is required only if we have a filename
+                    self._cookiejar.save()
+            response.raise_for_status()
+            return self.parse_response(response)
+        except requests.RequestException:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            if not response:
+                raise
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                url, response.status_code, str(e), response.headers)
+        except Fault:
+            raise sys.exc_info()[1]
+        except Exception:
+            # pylint: disable=W0201
+            e = BugzillaError(str(sys.exc_info()[1]))
+            e.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2]
+            raise e
+    def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=0):
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        url = "%s://%s%s" % (self.scheme, host, handler)
+        # xmlrpclib fails to escape \r
+        request_body = request_body.replace(b'\r', b'&#xd;')
+        # Needed for python-requests < 2.0 with python3, otherwise we get
+        # Content-Type error later for the POST request
+        request_body = request_body.decode('utf-8')
+        return self._request_helper(url, request_body)
+class BugzillaError(Exception):
+    '''Error raised in the Bugzilla client code.'''
+    pass
+class _FieldAlias(object):
+    """
+    Track API attribute names that differ from what we expose in users.
+    For example, originally 'short_desc' was the name of the property that
+    maps to 'summary' on modern bugzilla. We want pre-existing API users
+    to be able to continue to use Bug.short_desc, and
+    query({"short_desc": "foo"}). This class tracks that mapping.
+    @oldname: The old attribute name
+    @newname: The modern attribute name
+    @is_api: If True, use this mapping for values sent to the xmlrpc API
+        (like the query example)
+    @is_bug: If True, use this mapping for Bug attribute names.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, newname, oldname, is_api=True, is_bug=True):
+        self.newname = newname
+        self.oldname = oldname
+        self.is_api = is_api
+        self.is_bug = is_bug
+class BugzillaBase(object):
+    '''An object which represents the data and methods exported by a Bugzilla
+    instance. Uses xmlrpclib to do its thing. You'll want to create one thusly:
+    bz=Bugzilla(url='https://bugzilla.redhat.com/xmlrpc.cgi',
+                user=u, password=p)
+    You can get authentication cookies by calling the login() method. These
+    cookies will be stored in a MozillaCookieJar-style file specified by the
+    'cookiefile' attribute (which defaults to ~/.bugzillacookies). Once you
+    get cookies this way, you will be considered logged in until the cookie
+    expires.
+    You may also specify 'user' and 'password' in a bugzillarc file, either
+    /etc/bugzillarc or ~/.bugzillarc. The latter will override the former.
+    The format works like this:
+      [bugzilla.yoursite.com]
+      user = username
+      password = password
+    You can also use the [DEFAULT] section to set defaults that apply to
+    any site without a specific section of its own.
+    Be sure to set appropriate permissions on bugzillarc if you choose to
+    store your password in it!
+    This is an abstract class; it must be implemented by a concrete subclass
+    which actually connects the methods provided here to the appropriate
+    methods on the bugzilla instance.
+    :kwarg url: base url for the bugzilla instance
+    :kwarg user: usename to connect with
+    :kwarg password: password for the connecting user
+    :kwarg cookiefile: Location to save the session cookies so you don't have
+        to keep giving the library your username and password.  This defaults
+        to ~/.bugzillacookies.  If set to None, the library won't save the
+        cookies persistently.
+    '''
+    # bugzilla version that the class is targetting. filled in by
+    # subclasses
+    bz_ver_major = 0
+    bz_ver_minor = 0
+    # Intended to be the API version of the class, but historically is
+    # unused and basically worthless since we don't plan on breaking API.
+    version = "0.1"
+    @staticmethod
+    def url_to_query(url):
+        '''
+        Given a big huge bugzilla query URL, returns a query dict that can
+        be passed along to the Bugzilla.query() method.
+        '''
+        q = {}
+        # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence
+        (ignore, ignore, path,
+         ignore, query, ignore) = urlparse(url)
+        base = os.path.basename(path)
+        if base not in ('buglist.cgi', 'query.cgi'):
+            return {}
+        for (k, v) in parse_qsl(query):
+            if k not in q:
+                q[k] = v
+            elif isinstance(q[k], list):
+                q[k].append(v)
+            else:
+                oldv = q[k]
+                q[k] = [oldv, v]
+        # Handle saved searches
+        if base == "buglist.cgi" and "namedcmd" in q and "sharer_id" in q:
+            q = {
+                "sharer_id": q["sharer_id"],
+                "savedsearch": q["namedcmd"],
+            }
+        return q
+    @staticmethod
+    def fix_url(url):
+        """
+        Turn passed url into a bugzilla XMLRPC web url
+        """
+        if '://' not in url:
+            log.debug('No scheme given for url, assuming https')
+            url = 'https://' + url
+        if url.count('/') < 3:
+            log.debug('No path given for url, assuming /xmlrpc.cgi')
+            url = url + '/xmlrpc.cgi'
+        return url
+    def __init__(self, url=None, user=None, password=None, cookiefile=-1,
+                 sslverify=True, tokenfile=-1):
+        # Hook to allow Bugzilla autodetection without weirdly overriding
+        # __init__
+        if self._init_class_from_url(url, sslverify):
+            kwargs = locals().copy()
+            del(kwargs["self"])
+            # pylint: disable=non-parent-init-called
+            self.__class__.__init__(self, **kwargs)
+            return
+        # Settings the user might want to tweak
+        self.user = user or ''
+        self.password = password or ''
+        self.url = ''
+        self._transport = None
+        self._cookiejar = None
+        self._sslverify = bool(sslverify)
+        self.logged_in = False
+        self.bug_autorefresh = True
+        # Bugzilla object state info that users shouldn't mess with
+        self._proxy = None
+        self._products = None
+        self._bugfields = None
+        self._components = {}
+        self._components_details = {}
+        self._init_private_data()
+        if cookiefile == -1:
+            cookiefile = os.path.expanduser('~/.bugzillacookies')
+        if tokenfile == -1:
+            tokenfile = os.path.expanduser("~/.bugzillatoken")
+        log.debug("Using tokenfile=%s", tokenfile)
+        self.cookiefile = cookiefile
+        self.tokenfile = tokenfile
+        # List of field aliases. Maps old style RHBZ parameter
+        # names to actual upstream values. Used for createbug() and
+        # query include_fields at least.
+        self._field_aliases = []
+        self._add_field_alias('summary', 'short_desc')
+        self._add_field_alias('description', 'comment')
+        self._add_field_alias('platform', 'rep_platform')
+        self._add_field_alias('severity', 'bug_severity')
+        self._add_field_alias('status', 'bug_status')
+        self._add_field_alias('id', 'bug_id')
+        self._add_field_alias('blocks', 'blockedby')
+        self._add_field_alias('blocks', 'blocked')
+        self._add_field_alias('depends_on', 'dependson')
+        self._add_field_alias('creator', 'reporter')
+        self._add_field_alias('url', 'bug_file_loc')
+        self._add_field_alias('dupe_of', 'dupe_id')
+        self._add_field_alias('dupe_of', 'dup_id')
+        self._add_field_alias('comments', 'longdescs')
+        self._add_field_alias('creation_time', 'opendate')
+        self._add_field_alias('creation_time', 'creation_ts')
+        self._add_field_alias('whiteboard', 'status_whiteboard')
+        self._add_field_alias('last_change_time', 'delta_ts')
+        if url:
+            self.connect(url)
+    def _init_class_from_url(self, url, sslverify):
+        ignore = url
+        ignore = sslverify
+    def _init_private_data(self):
+        '''initialize private variables used by this bugzilla instance.'''
+        self._proxy = None
+        self._products = None
+        self._bugfields = None
+        self._components = {}
+        self._components_details = {}
+    def _get_user_agent(self):
+        ret = ('Python-urllib bugzilla.py/%s %s' %
+               (__version__, str(self.__class__.__name__)))
+        return ret
+    user_agent = property(_get_user_agent)
+    ###################
+    # Private helpers #
+    ###################
+    def _check_version(self, major, minor):
+        """
+        Check if the detected bugzilla version is >= passed major/minor pair.
+        """
+        if major < self.bz_ver_major:
+            return True
+        if (major == self.bz_ver_major and minor <= self.bz_ver_minor):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def _listify(self, val):
+        if val is None:
+            return val
+        if type(val) is list:
+            return val
+        return [val]
+    def _product_id_to_name(self, productid):
+        '''Convert a product ID (int) to a product name (str).'''
+        for p in self.products:
+            if p['id'] == productid:
+                return p['name']
+        raise ValueError('No product with id #%i' % productid)
+    def _product_name_to_id(self, product):
+        '''Convert a product name (str) to a product ID (int).'''
+        for p in self.products:
+            if p['name'] == product:
+                return p['id']
+        raise ValueError('No product named "%s"' % product)
+    def _add_field_alias(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        self._field_aliases.append(_FieldAlias(*args, **kwargs))
+    def _get_bug_aliases(self):
+        return [(f.newname, f.oldname)
+                for f in self._field_aliases if f.is_bug]
+    def _get_api_aliases(self):
+        return [(f.newname, f.oldname)
+                for f in self._field_aliases if f.is_api]
+    ###################
+    # Cookie handling #
+    ###################
+    def _getcookiefile(self):
+        '''cookiefile is the file that bugzilla session cookies are loaded
+        and saved from.
+        '''
+        return self._cookiejar.filename
+    def _delcookiefile(self):
+        self._cookiejar = None
+    def _setcookiefile(self, cookiefile):
+        if (self._cookiejar and cookiefile == self._cookiejar.filename):
+            return
+        if self._proxy is not None:
+            raise RuntimeError("Can't set cookies with an open connection, "
+                               "disconnect() first.")
+        log.debug("Using cookiefile=%s", cookiefile)
+        self._cookiejar = _build_cookiejar(cookiefile)
+    cookiefile = property(_getcookiefile, _setcookiefile, _delcookiefile)
+    #############################
+    # Login/connection handling #
+    #############################
+    configpath = ['/etc/bugzillarc', '~/.bugzillarc']
+    def readconfig(self, configpath=None):
+        '''
+        Read bugzillarc file(s) into memory.
+        '''
+        if not configpath:
+            configpath = self.configpath
+        configpath = [os.path.expanduser(p) for p in configpath]
+        c = SafeConfigParser()
+        r = c.read(configpath)
+        if not r:
+            return
+        # See if we have a config section that matches this url.
+        section = ""
+        # Substring match - prefer the longest match found
+        log.debug("Searching for config section matching %s", self.url)
+        for s in sorted(c.sections()):
+            if s in self.url:
+                log.debug("Found matching section: %s", s)
+                section = s
+        if not section:
+            return
+        for k, v in c.items(section):
+            if k in ('user', 'password'):
+                log.debug("Setting '%s' from configfile", k)
+                setattr(self, k, v)
+    def connect(self, url=None):
+        '''
+        Connect to the bugzilla instance with the given url.
+        This will also read any available config files (see readconfig()),
+        which may set 'user' and 'password'.
+        If 'user' and 'password' are both set, we'll run login(). Otherwise
+        you'll have to login() yourself before some methods will work.
+        '''
+        if url is None and self.url:
+            url = self.url
+        url = self.fix_url(url)
+        self._transport = RequestsTransport(
+            url, self._cookiejar, sslverify=self._sslverify)
+        self._transport.user_agent = self.user_agent
+        self._proxy = _BugzillaServerProxy(url, self.tokenfile,
+            self._transport)
+        self.url = url
+        # we've changed URLs - reload config
+        self.readconfig()
+        if (self.user and self.password):
+            log.info("user and password present - doing login()")
+            self.login()
+    def disconnect(self):
+        '''
+        Disconnect from the given bugzilla instance.
+        '''
+        # clears all the connection state
+        self._init_private_data()
+    def _login(self, user, password):
+        '''Backend login method for Bugzilla3'''
+        return self._proxy.User.login({'login': user, 'password': password})
+    def _logout(self):
+        '''Backend login method for Bugzilla3'''
+        return self._proxy.User.logout()
+    def login(self, user=None, password=None):
+        '''Attempt to log in using the given username and password. Subsequent
+        method calls will use this username and password. Returns False if
+        login fails, otherwise returns some kind of login info - typically
+        either a numeric userid, or a dict of user info. It also sets the
+        logged_in attribute to True, if successful.
+        If user is not set, the value of Bugzilla.user will be used. If *that*
+        is not set, ValueError will be raised. If login fails, BugzillaError
+        will be raised.
+        This method will be called implicitly at the end of connect() if user
+        and password are both set. So under most circumstances you won't need
+        to call this yourself.
+        '''
+        if user:
+            self.user = user
+        if password:
+            self.password = password
+        if not self.user:
+            raise ValueError("missing username")
+        if not self.password:
+            raise ValueError("missing password")
+        try:
+            ret = self._login(self.user, self.password)
+            self.logged_in = True
+            self.password = ''
+            log.info("login successful for user=%s", self.user)
+            return ret
+        except Fault:
+            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
+            raise BugzillaError("Login failed: %s" % str(e.faultString))
+    def logout(self):
+        '''Log out of bugzilla. Drops server connection and user info, and
+        destroys authentication cookies.'''
+        self._logout()
+        self.disconnect()
+        self.user = ''
+        self.password = ''
+        self.logged_in = False
+    #############################################
+    # Fetching info about the bugzilla instance #
+    #############################################
+    def _getbugfields(self):
+        raise RuntimeError("This bugzilla version does not support listing "
+            "bug fields.")
+    def getbugfields(self, force_refresh=False):
+        '''
+        Calls getBugFields, which returns a list of fields in each bug
+        for this bugzilla instance. This can be used to set the list of attrs
+        on the Bug object.
+        '''
+        if force_refresh or self._bugfields is None:
+            log.debug("Refreshing bugfields")
+            self._bugfields = self._getbugfields()
+            self._bugfields.sort()
+            log.debug("bugfields = %s", self._bugfields)
+        return self._bugfields
+    bugfields = property(fget=lambda self: self.getbugfields(),
+                         fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, '_bugfields', None))
+    def refresh_products(self, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Refresh a product's cached info
+        Takes same arguments as _getproductinfo
+        """
+        if self._products is None:
+            self._products = []
+        for product in self._getproductinfo(**kwargs):
+            added = False
+            for current in self._products[:]:
+                if (current.get("id", -1) != product.get("id", -2) and
+                    current.get("name", -1) != product.get("name", -2)):
+                    continue
+                self._products.remove(current)
+                self._products.append(product)
+                added = True
+                break
+            if not added:
+                self._products.append(product)
+    def getproducts(self, force_refresh=False, **kwargs):
+        '''Get product data: names, descriptions, etc.
+        The data varies between Bugzilla versions but the basic format is a
+        list of dicts, where the dicts will have at least the following keys:
+        {'id':1, 'name':"Some Product", 'description':"This is a product"}
+        Any method that requires a 'product' can be given either the
+        id or the name.'''
+        if force_refresh or not self._products:
+            self._products = self._getproducts(**kwargs)
+        return self._products
+    products = property(fget=lambda self: self.getproducts(),
+                        fdel=lambda self: setattr(self, '_products', None))
+    def getcomponentsdetails(self, product, force_refresh=False):
+        '''Returns a dict of dicts, containing detailed component information
+        for the given product. The keys of the dict are component names. For
+        each component, the value is a dict with the following keys:
+        description, initialowner, initialqacontact'''
+        if force_refresh or product not in self._components_details:
+            clist = self._getcomponentsdetails(product)
+            cdict = {}
+            for item in clist:
+                name = item['component']
+                del item['component']
+                cdict[name] = item
+            self._components_details[product] = cdict
+        return self._components_details[product]
+    def getcomponentdetails(self, product, component, force_refresh=False):
+        '''Get details for a single component. Returns a dict with the
+        following keys:
+        description, initialowner, initialqacontact, initialcclist'''
+        d = self.getcomponentsdetails(product, force_refresh)
+        return d[component]
+    def getcomponents(self, product, force_refresh=False):
+        '''Return a dict of components:descriptions for the given product.'''
+        if force_refresh or product not in self._components:
+            self._components[product] = self._getcomponents(product)
+        return self._components[product]
+    def _component_data_convert(self, data, update=False):
+        if type(data['product']) is int:
+            data['product'] = self._product_id_to_name(data['product'])
+        # Back compat for the old RH interface
+        convert_fields = [
+            ("initialowner", "default_assignee"),
+            ("initialqacontact", "default_qa_contact"),
+            ("initialcclist", "default_cc"),
+        ]
+        for old, new in convert_fields:
+            if old in data:
+                data[new] = data.pop(old)
+        if update:
+            names = {"product": data.pop("product"),
+                     "component": data.pop("component")}
+            updates = {}
+            for k in data.keys():
+                updates[k] = data.pop(k)
+            data["names"] = [names]
+            data["updates"] = updates
+    def addcomponent(self, data):
+        '''
+        A method to create a component in Bugzilla. Takes a dict, with the
+        following elements:
+        product: The product to create the component in
+        component: The name of the component to create
+        desription: A one sentence summary of the component
+        default_assignee: The bugzilla login (email address) of the initial
+                          owner of the component
+        default_qa_contact (optional): The bugzilla login of the
+                                       initial QA contact
+        default_cc: (optional) The initial list of users to be CC'ed on
+                               new bugs for the component.
+        '''
+        data = data.copy()
+        self._component_data_convert(data)
+        log.debug("Calling Component.create with: %s", data)
+        return self._proxy.Component.create(data)
+    def editcomponent(self, data):
+        '''
+        A method to edit a component in Bugzilla. Takes a dict, with
+        mandatory elements of product. component, and initialowner.
+        All other elements are optional and use the same names as the
+        addcomponent() method.
+        '''
+        data = data.copy()
+        self._component_data_convert(data, update=True)
+        log.debug("Calling Component.update with: %s", data)
+        return self._proxy.Component.update(data)
+    def _getproductinfo(self, ids=None, names=None,
+                        include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None):
+        '''
+        Get all info for the requested products.
+        @ids: List of product IDs to lookup
+        @names: List of product names to lookup (since bz 4.2,
+            though we emulate it for older versions)
+        @include_fields: Only include these fields in the output (since bz 4.2)
+        @exclude_fields: Do not include these fields in the output (since
+            bz 4.2)
+        '''
+        if ids is None and names is None:
+            raise RuntimeError("Products must be specified")
+        kwargs = {}
+        if not self._check_version(4, 2):
+            if names:
+                ids = [self._product_name_to_id(name) for name in names]
+                names = None
+            include_fields = None
+            exclude_fields = None
+        if ids:
+            kwargs["ids"] = self._listify(ids)
+        if names:
+            kwargs["names"] = self._listify(names)
+        if include_fields:
+            kwargs["include_fields"] = include_fields
+        if exclude_fields:
+            kwargs["exclude_fields"] = exclude_fields
+        # The bugzilla4 name is Product.get(), but Bugzilla3 only had
+        # Product.get_product, and bz4 kept an alias.
+        log.debug("Calling Product.get_products with: %s", kwargs)
+        ret = self._proxy.Product.get_products(kwargs)
+        return ret['products']
+    def _getproducts(self, **kwargs):
+        product_ids = self._proxy.Product.get_accessible_products()
+        r = self._getproductinfo(product_ids['ids'], **kwargs)
+        return r
+    def _getcomponents(self, product):
+        if type(product) == str:
+            product = self._product_name_to_id(product)
+        r = self._proxy.Bug.legal_values({'product_id': product,
+                                          'field': 'component'})
+        return r['values']
+    def _getcomponentsdetails(self, product):
+        # Originally this was a RH extension getProdCompDetails
+        # Upstream support has been available since 4.2
+        if not self._check_version(4, 2):
+            raise RuntimeError("This bugzilla version does not support "
+                               "fetching component details.")
+        comps = None
+        if self._products is None:
+            self._products = []
+        def _find_comps():
+            for p in self._products:
+                if p["name"] != product:
+                    continue
+                return p.get("components", None)
+        comps = _find_comps()
+        if comps is None:
+            self.refresh_products(names=[product],
+                                  include_fields=["name", "id", "components"])
+            comps = _find_comps()
+        if comps is None:
+            raise ValueError("Unknown product '%s'" % product)
+        # Convert to old style dictionary to maintain back compat
+        # with original RH bugzilla call
+        ret = []
+        for comp in comps:
+            row = {}
+            row["component"] = comp["name"]
+            row["initialqacontact"] = comp["default_qa_contact"]
+            row["initialowner"] = comp["default_assigned_to"]
+            row["description"] = comp["description"]
+            ret.append(row)
+        return ret
+    ###################
+    # getbug* methods #
+    ###################
+    # getbug_extra_fields: Extra fields that need to be explicitly
+    # requested from Bug.get in order for the data to be returned. This
+    # decides the difference between getbug() and getbugsimple().
+    #
+    # As of Dec 2012 it seems like only RH bugzilla actually has behavior
+    # like this, for upstream bz it returns all info for every Bug.get()
+    _getbug_extra_fields = []
+    _supports_getbug_extra_fields = False
+    def _getbugs(self, idlist, simple=False, permissive=True,
+            include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None, extra_fields=None):
+        '''
+        Return a list of dicts of full bug info for each given bug id.
+        bug ids that couldn't be found will return None instead of a dict.
+        @simple: If True, don't ask for any large extra_fields.
+        '''
+        oldidlist = idlist
+        idlist = []
+        for i in oldidlist:
+            try:
+                idlist.append(int(i))
+            except ValueError:
+                # String aliases can be passed as well
+                idlist.append(i)
+        extra_fields = self._listify(extra_fields or [])
+        if not simple:
+            extra_fields += self._getbug_extra_fields
+        getbugdata = {"ids": idlist}
+        if permissive:
+            getbugdata["permissive"] = 1
+        if self.bz_ver_major >= 4:
+            if include_fields:
+                getbugdata["include_fields"] = self._listify(include_fields)
+            if exclude_fields:
+                getbugdata["exclude_fields"] = self._listify(exclude_fields)
+        if self._supports_getbug_extra_fields:
+            getbugdata["extra_fields"] = extra_fields
+        log.debug("Calling Bug.get_bugs with: %s", getbugdata)
+        r = self._proxy.Bug.get_bugs(getbugdata)
+        if self.bz_ver_major >= 4:
+            bugdict = dict([(b['id'], b) for b in r['bugs']])
+        else:
+            bugdict = dict([(b['id'], b['internals']) for b in r['bugs']])
+        ret = []
+        for i in idlist:
+            found = None
+            if i in bugdict:
+                found = bugdict[i]
+            else:
+                # Need to map an alias
+                for valdict in bugdict.values():
+                    if i in valdict.get("alias", []):
+                        found = valdict
+                        break
+            ret.append(found)
+        return ret
+    def _getbug(self, objid, simple=False,
+            include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None, extra_fields=None):
+        '''Return a dict of full bug info for the given bug id'''
+        return self._getbugs([objid], simple=simple, permissive=False,
+            include_fields=include_fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields,
+            extra_fields=extra_fields)[0]
+    def getbug(self, objid,
+            include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None, extra_fields=None):
+        '''Return a Bug object with the full complement of bug data
+        already loaded.'''
+        data = self._getbug(objid, include_fields=include_fields,
+            exclude_fields=exclude_fields, extra_fields=extra_fields)
+        return _Bug(self, dict=data, autorefresh=self.bug_autorefresh)
+    def getbugs(self, idlist,
+        include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None, extra_fields=None):
+        '''Return a list of Bug objects with the full complement of bug data
+        already loaded. If there's a problem getting the data for a given id,
+        the corresponding item in the returned list will be None.'''
+        data = self._getbugs(idlist, include_fields=include_fields,
+            exclude_fields=exclude_fields, extra_fields=extra_fields)
+        return [(b and _Bug(self, dict=b,
+                            autorefresh=self.bug_autorefresh)) or None
+                for b in data]
+    # Since for so long getbugsimple was just getbug, I don't think we can
+    # remove any fields without possibly causing a slowdown for some
+    # existing users. Just have this API mean 'don't ask for the extra
+    # big stuff'
+    def getbugsimple(self, objid):
+        '''Return a Bug object given bug id, populated with simple info'''
+        return _Bug(self,
+                    dict=self._getbug(objid, simple=True),
+                    autorefresh=self.bug_autorefresh)
+    def getbugssimple(self, idlist):
+        '''Return a list of Bug objects for the given bug ids, populated with
+        simple info. As with getbugs(), if there's a problem getting the data
+        for a given bug ID, the corresponding item in the returned list will
+        be None.'''
+        return [(b and _Bug(self, dict=b,
+                autorefresh=self.bug_autorefresh)) or None
+                for b in self._getbugs(idlist, simple=True)]
+    #################
+    # query methods #
+    #################
+    def _convert_include_field_list(self, _in):
+        if not _in:
+            return _in
+        for newname, oldname in self._get_api_aliases():
+            if oldname in _in:
+                _in.remove(oldname)
+                if newname not in _in:
+                    _in.append(newname)
+        return _in
+    def build_query(self,
+                    product=None,
+                    component=None,
+                    version=None,
+                    long_desc=None,
+                    bug_id=None,
+                    short_desc=None,
+                    cc=None,
+                    assigned_to=None,
+                    reporter=None,
+                    qa_contact=None,
+                    status=None,
+                    blocked=None,
+                    dependson=None,
+                    keywords=None,
+                    keywords_type=None,
+                    url=None,
+                    url_type=None,
+                    status_whiteboard=None,
+                    status_whiteboard_type=None,
+                    fixed_in=None,
+                    fixed_in_type=None,
+                    flag=None,
+                    alias=None,
+                    qa_whiteboard=None,
+                    devel_whiteboard=None,
+                    boolean_query=None,
+                    bug_severity=None,
+                    priority=None,
+                    target_milestone=None,
+                    emailtype=None,
+                    booleantype=None,
+                    include_fields=None,
+                    quicksearch=None,
+                    savedsearch=None,
+                    savedsearch_sharer_id=None,
+                    sub_component=None,
+                    tags=None):
+        """
+        Build a query string from passed arguments. Will handle
+        query parameter differences between various bugzilla versions.
+        Most of the parameters should be self explanatory. However
+        if you want to perform a complex query, and easy way is to
+        create it with the bugzilla web UI, copy the entire URL it
+        generates, and pass it to the static method
+        Bugzilla.url_to_query
+        Then pass the output to Bugzilla.query()
+        """
+        ignore = emailtype
+        ignore = booleantype
+        ignore = include_fields
+        for key, val in [
+            ('fixed_in', fixed_in),
+            ('blocked', blocked),
+            ('dependson', dependson),
+            ('flag', flag),
+            ('qa_whiteboard', qa_whiteboard),
+            ('devel_whiteboard', devel_whiteboard),
+            ('alias', alias),
+            ('boolean_query', boolean_query),
+            ('long_desc', long_desc),
+            ('quicksearch', quicksearch),
+            ('savedsearch', savedsearch),
+            ('sharer_id', savedsearch_sharer_id),
+            ('sub_component', sub_component),
+        ]:
+            if val is not None:
+                raise RuntimeError("'%s' search not supported by this "
+                                   "bugzilla" % key)
+        query = {
+            "product": self._listify(product),
+            "component": self._listify(component),
+            "version": version,
+            "id": bug_id,
+            "short_desc": short_desc,
+            "bug_status": status,
+            "keywords": keywords,
+            "keywords_type": keywords_type,
+            "bug_file_loc": url,
+            "bug_file_loc_type": url_type,
+            "status_whiteboard": status_whiteboard,
+            "status_whiteboard_type": status_whiteboard_type,
+            "fixed_in_type": fixed_in_type,
+            "bug_severity": bug_severity,
+            "priority": priority,
+            "target_milestone": target_milestone,
+            "assigned_to": assigned_to,
+            "cc": cc,
+            "qa_contact": qa_contact,
+            "reporter": reporter,
+            "tag": self._listify(tags),
+        }
+        # Strip out None elements in the dict
+        for k, v in query.copy().items():
+            if v is None:
+                del(query[k])
+        return query
+    def _query(self, query):
+        # This is kinda redundant now, but various scripts call
+        # _query with their own assembled dictionaries, so don't
+        # drop this lest we needlessly break those users
+        log.debug("Calling Bug.search with: %s", query)
+        return self._proxy.Bug.search(query)
+    def query(self, query):
+        '''Query bugzilla and return a list of matching bugs.
+        query must be a dict with fields like those in in querydata['fields'].
+        Returns a list of Bug objects.
+        Also see the _query() method for details about the underlying
+        implementation.
+        '''
+        r = self._query(query)
+        log.debug("Query returned %s bugs", len(r['bugs']))
+        return [_Bug(self, dict=b,
+                autorefresh=self.bug_autorefresh) for b in r['bugs']]
+    def simplequery(self, product, version='', component='',
+                    string='', matchtype='allwordssubstr'):
+        '''Convenience method - query for bugs filed against the given
+        product, version, and component whose comments match the given string.
+        matchtype specifies the type of match to be done. matchtype may be
+        any of the types listed in querydefaults['long_desc_type_list'], e.g.:
+        ['allwordssubstr', 'anywordssubstr', 'substring', 'casesubstring',
+         'allwords', 'anywords', 'regexp', 'notregexp']
+        Return value is the same as with query().
+        '''
+        q = {
+            'product': product,
+            'version': version,
+            'component': component,
+            'long_desc': string,
+            'long_desc_type': matchtype
+        }
+        return self.query(q)
+    def pre_translation(self, query):
+        '''In order to keep the API the same, Bugzilla4 needs to process the
+        query and the result. This also applies to the refresh() function
+        '''
+        pass
+    def post_translation(self, query, bug):
+        '''In order to keep the API the same, Bugzilla4 needs to process the
+        query and the result. This also applies to the refresh() function
+        '''
+        pass
+    def bugs_history(self, bug_ids):
+        '''
+        Experimental. Gets the history of changes for
+        particular bugs in the database.
+        '''
+        return self._proxy.Bug.history({'ids': bug_ids})
+    #######################################
+    # Methods for modifying existing bugs #
+    #######################################
+    # Bug() also has individual methods for many ops, like setassignee()
+    def update_bugs(self, ids, updates):
+        """
+        A thin wrapper around bugzilla Bug.update(). Used to update all
+        values of an existing bug report, as well as add comments.
+        The dictionary passed to this function should be generated with
+        build_update(), otherwise we cannot guarantee back compatibility.
+        """
+        tmp = updates.copy()
+        tmp["ids"] = self._listify(ids)
+        log.debug("Calling Bug.update with: %s", tmp)
+        return self._proxy.Bug.update(tmp)
+    def update_flags(self, idlist, flags):
+        '''
+        Updates the flags associated with a bug report.
+        Format of flags is:
+        [{"name": "needinfo", "status": "+", "requestee": "foo at bar.com"},
+         {"name": "devel_ack", "status": "-"}, ...]
+        '''
+        d = {"ids": self._listify(idlist), "updates": flags}
+        log.debug("Calling Flag.update with: %s", d)
+        return self._proxy.Flag.update(d)
+    def update_tags(self, idlist, tags_add=None, tags_remove=None):
+        '''
+        Updates the 'tags' field for a bug.
+        '''
+        tags = {}
+        if tags_add:
+            tags["add"] = self._listify(tags_add)
+        if tags_remove:
+            tags["remove"] = self._listify(tags_remove)
+        d = {
+            "ids": self._listify(idlist),
+            "tags": tags,
+        }
+        log.debug("Calling Bug.update_tags with: %s", d)
+        return self._proxy.Bug.update_tags(d)
+    def build_update(self,
+                     alias=None,
+                     assigned_to=None,
+                     blocks_add=None,
+                     blocks_remove=None,
+                     blocks_set=None,
+                     depends_on_add=None,
+                     depends_on_remove=None,
+                     depends_on_set=None,
+                     cc_add=None,
+                     cc_remove=None,
+                     is_cc_accessible=None,
+                     comment=None,
+                     comment_private=None,
+                     component=None,
+                     deadline=None,
+                     dupe_of=None,
+                     estimated_time=None,
+                     groups_add=None,
+                     groups_remove=None,
+                     keywords_add=None,
+                     keywords_remove=None,
+                     keywords_set=None,
+                     op_sys=None,
+                     platform=None,
+                     priority=None,
+                     product=None,
+                     qa_contact=None,
+                     is_creator_accessible=None,
+                     remaining_time=None,
+                     reset_assigned_to=None,
+                     reset_qa_contact=None,
+                     resolution=None,
+                     see_also_add=None,
+                     see_also_remove=None,
+                     severity=None,
+                     status=None,
+                     summary=None,
+                     target_milestone=None,
+                     target_release=None,
+                     url=None,
+                     version=None,
+                     whiteboard=None,
+                     work_time=None,
+                     fixed_in=None,
+                     qa_whiteboard=None,
+                     devel_whiteboard=None,
+                     internal_whiteboard=None,
+                     sub_component=None):
+        # pylint: disable=W0221
+        # Argument number differs from overridden method
+        # Base defines it with *args, **kwargs, so we don't have to maintain
+        # the master argument list in 2 places
+        ret = {}
+        # These are only supported for rhbugzilla
+        for key, val in [
+            ("fixed_in", fixed_in),
+            ("devel_whiteboard", devel_whiteboard),
+            ("qa_whiteboard", qa_whiteboard),
+            ("internal_whiteboard", internal_whiteboard),
+            ("sub_component", sub_component),
+        ]:
+            if val is not None:
+                raise ValueError("bugzilla instance does not support "
+                                 "updating '%s'" % key)
+        def s(key, val, convert=None):
+            if val is None:
+                return
+            if convert:
+                val = convert(val)
+            ret[key] = val
+        def add_dict(key, add, remove, _set=None, convert=None):
+            if add is remove is _set is None:
+                return
+            def c(val):
+                val = self._listify(val)
+                if convert:
+                    val = [convert(v) for v in val]
+                return val
+            newdict = {}
+            if add is not None:
+                newdict["add"] = c(add)
+            if remove is not None:
+                newdict["remove"] = c(remove)
+            if _set is not None:
+                newdict["set"] = c(_set)
+            ret[key] = newdict
+        s("alias", alias)
+        s("assigned_to", assigned_to)
+        s("is_cc_accessible", is_cc_accessible, bool)
+        s("component", component)
+        s("deadline", deadline)
+        s("dupe_of", dupe_of, int)
+        s("estimated_time", estimated_time, int)
+        s("op_sys", op_sys)
+        s("platform", platform)
+        s("priority", priority)
+        s("product", product)
+        s("qa_contact", qa_contact)
+        s("is_creator_accessible", is_creator_accessible, bool)
+        s("remaining_time", remaining_time, float)
+        s("reset_assigned_to", reset_assigned_to, bool)
+        s("reset_qa_contact", reset_qa_contact, bool)
+        s("resolution", resolution)
+        s("severity", severity)
+        s("status", status)
+        s("summary", summary)
+        s("target_milestone", target_milestone)
+        s("target_release", target_release)
+        s("url", url)
+        s("version", version)
+        s("whiteboard", whiteboard)
+        s("work_time", work_time, float)
+        add_dict("blocks", blocks_add, blocks_remove, blocks_set,
+                 convert=int)
+        add_dict("depends_on", depends_on_add, depends_on_remove,
+                 depends_on_set, convert=int)
+        add_dict("cc", cc_add, cc_remove)
+        add_dict("groups", groups_add, groups_remove)
+        add_dict("keywords", keywords_add, keywords_remove, keywords_set)
+        add_dict("see_also", see_also_add, see_also_remove)
+        if comment is not None:
+            ret["comment"] = {"comment": comment}
+            if comment_private:
+                ret["comment"]["is_private"] = comment_private
+        return ret
+    ########################################
+    # Methods for working with attachments #
+    ########################################
+    def _attachment_uri(self, attachid):
+        '''Returns the URI for the given attachment ID.'''
+        att_uri = self.url.replace('xmlrpc.cgi', 'attachment.cgi')
+        att_uri = att_uri + '?id=%s' % attachid
+        return att_uri
+    def attachfile(self, idlist, attachfile, description, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        Attach a file to the given bug IDs. Returns the ID of the attachment
+        or raises XMLRPC Fault if something goes wrong.
+        attachfile may be a filename (which will be opened) or a file-like
+        object, which must provide a 'read' method. If it's not one of these,
+        this method will raise a TypeError.
+        description is the short description of this attachment.
+        Optional keyword args are as follows:
+            file_name:  this will be used as the filename for the attachment.
+                       REQUIRED if attachfile is a file-like object with no
+                       'name' attribute, otherwise the filename or .name
+                       attribute will be used.
+            comment:   An optional comment about this attachment.
+            is_private: Set to True if the attachment should be marked private.
+            is_patch:   Set to True if the attachment is a patch.
+            content_type: The mime-type of the attached file. Defaults to
+                          application/octet-stream if not set. NOTE that text
+                          files will *not* be viewable in bugzilla unless you
+                          remember to set this to text/plain. So remember that!
+        Returns the list of attachment ids that were added. If only one
+        attachment was added, we return the single int ID for back compat
+        '''
+        if isinstance(attachfile, str):
+            f = open(attachfile)
+        elif hasattr(attachfile, 'read'):
+            f = attachfile
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("attachfile must be filename or file-like object")
+        # Back compat
+        if "contenttype" in kwargs:
+            kwargs["content_type"] = kwargs.pop("contenttype")
+        if "ispatch" in kwargs:
+            kwargs["is_patch"] = kwargs.pop("ispatch")
+        if "isprivate" in kwargs:
+            kwargs["is_private"] = kwargs.pop("isprivate")
+        if "filename" in kwargs:
+            kwargs["file_name"] = kwargs.pop("filename")
+        kwargs['summary'] = description
+        data = f.read()
+        if not isinstance(data, bytes):
+            data = data.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding())
+        kwargs['data'] = Binary(data)
+        kwargs['ids'] = self._listify(idlist)
+        if 'file_name' not in kwargs and hasattr(f, "name"):
+            kwargs['file_name'] = os.path.basename(f.name)
+        if 'content_type' not in kwargs:
+            ctype = _detect_filetype(getattr(f, "name", None))
+            if not ctype:
+                ctype = 'application/octet-stream'
+            kwargs['content_type'] = ctype
+        ret = self._proxy.Bug.add_attachment(kwargs)
+        if "attachments" in ret:
+            # Up to BZ 4.2
+            ret = [int(k) for k in ret["attachments"].keys()]
+        elif "ids" in ret:
+            # BZ 4.4+
+            ret = ret["ids"]
+        if type(ret) is list and len(ret) == 1:
+            ret = ret[0]
+        return ret
+    def openattachment(self, attachid):
+        '''Get the contents of the attachment with the given attachment ID.
+        Returns a file-like object.'''
+        def get_filename(headers):
+            import re
+            match = re.search(
+                r'^.*filename="?(.*)"$',
+                headers.get('content-disposition', '')
+            )
+            # default to attchid if no match was found
+            return match.group(1) if match else attachid
+        att_uri = self._attachment_uri(attachid)
+        response = requests.get(att_uri, cookies=self._cookiejar, stream=True)
+        ret = BytesIO()
+        for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024):
+            if chunk:
+                ret.write(chunk)
+        ret.name = get_filename(response.headers)
+        # Hooray, now we have a file-like object with .read() and .name
+        ret.seek(0)
+        return ret
+    def updateattachmentflags(self, bugid, attachid, flagname, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        Updates a flag for the given attachment ID.
+        Optional keyword args are:
+            status:    new status for the flag ('-', '+', '?', 'X')
+            requestee: new requestee for the flag
+        '''
+        update = {
+            'name': flagname,
+            'attach_id': int(attachid),
+        }
+        update.update(kwargs.items())
+        result = self._proxy.Flag.update({
+            'ids': [int(bugid)],
+            'updates': [update]})
+        return result['flag_updates'][str(bugid)]
+    #####################
+    # createbug methods #
+    #####################
+    createbug_required = ('product', 'component', 'summary', 'version',
+                          'description')
+    def build_createbug(self,
+        product=None,
+        component=None,
+        version=None,
+        summary=None,
+        description=None,
+        comment_private=None,
+        blocks=None,
+        cc=None,
+        assigned_to=None,
+        keywords=None,
+        depends_on=None,
+        groups=None,
+        op_sys=None,
+        platform=None,
+        priority=None,
+        qa_contact=None,
+        resolution=None,
+        severity=None,
+        status=None,
+        target_milestone=None,
+        target_release=None,
+        url=None,
+        sub_component=None):
+        localdict = {}
+        if blocks:
+            localdict["blocks"] = self._listify(blocks)
+        if cc:
+            localdict["cc"] = self._listify(cc)
+        if depends_on:
+            localdict["depends_on"] = self._listify(depends_on)
+        if groups:
+            localdict["groups"] = self._listify(groups)
+        if keywords:
+            localdict["keywords"] = self._listify(keywords)
+        if description:
+            localdict["description"] = description
+            if comment_private:
+                localdict["comment_is_private"] = True
+        # Most of the machinery and formatting here is the same as
+        # build_update, so reuse that as much as possible
+        ret = self.build_update(product=product, component=component,
+                version=version, summary=summary, op_sys=op_sys,
+                platform=platform, priority=priority, qa_contact=qa_contact,
+                resolution=resolution, severity=severity, status=status,
+                target_milestone=target_milestone,
+                target_release=target_release, url=url,
+                assigned_to=assigned_to, sub_component=sub_component)
+        ret.update(localdict)
+        return ret
+    def _validate_createbug(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Previous API required users specifying keyword args that mapped
+        # to the XMLRPC arg names. Maintain that bad compat, but also allow
+        # receiving a single dictionary like query() does
+        if kwargs and args:
+            raise BugzillaError("createbug: cannot specify positional "
+                                "args=%s with kwargs=%s, must be one or the "
+                                "other." % (args, kwargs))
+        if args:
+            if len(args) > 1 or type(args[0]) is not dict:
+                raise BugzillaError("createbug: positional arguments only "
+                                    "accept a single dictionary.")
+            data = args[0]
+        else:
+            data = kwargs
+        # If we're getting a call that uses an old fieldname, convert it to the
+        # new fieldname instead.
+        for newname, oldname in self._get_api_aliases():
+            if (newname in self.createbug_required and
+                newname not in data and
+                oldname in data):
+                data[newname] = data.pop(oldname)
+        # Back compat handling for check_args
+        if "check_args" in data:
+            del(data["check_args"])
+        return data
+    def createbug(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        '''
+        Create a bug with the given info. Returns a new Bug object.
+        Check bugzilla API documentation for valid values, at least
+        product, component, summary, version, and description need to
+        be passed.
+        '''
+        data = self._validate_createbug(*args, **kwargs)
+        log.debug("Calling Bug.create with: %s", data)
+        rawbug = self._proxy.Bug.create(data)
+        return _Bug(self, bug_id=rawbug["id"],
+                    autorefresh=self.bug_autorefresh)
+    ##############################
+    # Methods for handling Users #
+    ##############################
+    def _getusers(self, ids=None, names=None, match=None):
+        '''Return a list of users that match criteria.
+        :kwarg ids: list of user ids to return data on
+        :kwarg names: list of user names to return data on
+        :kwarg match: list of patterns.  Returns users whose real name or
+            login name match the pattern.
+        :raises XMLRPC Fault: Code 51: if a Bad Login Name was sent to the
+                names array.
+            Code 304: if the user was not authorized to see user they
+                requested.
+            Code 505: user is logged out and can't use the match or ids
+                parameter.
+        Available in Bugzilla-3.4+
+        '''
+        params = {}
+        if ids:
+            params['ids'] = self._listify(ids)
+        if names:
+            params['names'] = self._listify(names)
+        if match:
+            params['match'] = self._listify(match)
+        if not params:
+            raise BugzillaError('_get() needs one of ids, '
+                                ' names, or match kwarg.')
+        log.debug("Calling User.get with: %s", params)
+        return self._proxy.User.get(params)
+    def getuser(self, username):
+        '''Return a bugzilla User for the given username
+        :arg username: The username used in bugzilla.
+        :raises XMLRPC Fault: Code 51 if the username does not exist
+        :returns: User record for the username
+        '''
+        ret = self.getusers(username)
+        return ret and ret[0]
+    def getusers(self, userlist):
+        '''Return a list of Users from bugzilla.
+        :userlist: List of usernames to lookup
+        :returns: List of User records
+        '''
+        userobjs = [_User(self, **rawuser) for rawuser in
+                    self._getusers(names=userlist).get('users', [])]
+        # Return users in same order they were passed in
+        ret = []
+        for u in userlist:
+            for uobj in userobjs[:]:
+                if uobj.email == u:
+                    userobjs.remove(uobj)
+                    ret.append(uobj)
+                    break
+        ret += userobjs
+        return ret
+    def searchusers(self, pattern):
+        '''Return a bugzilla User for the given list of patterns
+        :arg pattern: List of patterns to match against.
+        :returns: List of User records
+        '''
+        return [_User(self, **rawuser) for rawuser in
+                self._getusers(match=pattern).get('users', [])]
+    def createuser(self, email, name='', password=''):
+        '''Return a bugzilla User for the given username
+        :arg email: The email address to use in bugzilla
+        :kwarg name: Real name to associate with the account
+        :kwarg password: Password to set for the bugzilla account
+        :raises XMLRPC Fault: Code 501 if the username already exists
+            Code 500 if the email address isn't valid
+            Code 502 if the password is too short
+            Code 503 if the password is too long
+        :return: User record for the username
+        '''
+        self._proxy.User.create(email, name, password)
+        return self.getuser(email)
+    def updateperms(self, user, action, groups):
+        '''
+        A method to update the permissions (group membership) of a bugzilla
+        user.
+        :arg user: The e-mail address of the user to be acted upon. Can
+            also be a list of emails.
+        :arg action: add, remove, or set
+        :arg groups: list of groups to be added to (i.e. ['fedora_contrib'])
+        '''
+        groups = self._listify(groups)
+        if action == "rem":
+            action = "remove"
+        if action not in ["add", "remove", "set"]:
+            raise BugzillaError("Unknown user permission action '%s'" % action)
+        update = {
+            "names": self._listify(user),
+            "groups": {
+                action: groups,
+            }
+        }
+        log.debug("Call User.update with: %s", update)
+        return self._proxy.User.update(update)
+    ######################
+    # Deprecated methods #
+    ######################
+    def initcookiefile(self, cookiefile=None):
+        '''
+        Deprecated: Set self.cookiefile instead.
+        '''
+        if not cookiefile:
+            cookiefile = os.path.expanduser('~/.bugzillacookies')
+        self.cookiefile = cookiefile
+    def adduser(self, user, name):
+        '''Deprecated: Use createuser() instead.
+        A method to create a user in Bugzilla. Takes the following:
+        user: The email address of the user to create
+        name: The full name of the user to create
+        '''
+        self.createuser(user, name)
+    def getqueryinfo(self, force_refresh=False):
+        ignore = force_refresh
+        raise RuntimeError("getqueryinfo is deprecated and the "
+            "information is not provided by any modern bugzilla.")
+    querydata = property(getqueryinfo)
+    querydefaults = property(getqueryinfo)
diff --git a/ciabot/bugzilla/bug.py b/ciabot/bugzilla/bug.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80d9720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ciabot/bugzilla/bug.py
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# base.py - the base classes etc. for a Python interface to bugzilla
+# Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Red Hat Inc.
+# Author: Will Woods <wwoods at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
+# the full text of the license.
+import locale
+import sys
+from bugzilla import log
+class _Bug(object):
+    '''A container object for a bug report. Requires a Bugzilla instance -
+    every Bug is on a Bugzilla, obviously.
+    Optional keyword args:
+        dict=DICT   - populate attributes with the result of a getBug() call
+        bug_id=ID   - if dict does not contain bug_id, this is required before
+                      you can read any attributes or make modifications to this
+                      bug.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, bugzilla, bug_id=None, dict=None, autorefresh=True):
+        # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
+        # API had pre-existing issue that we can't change ('dict' usage)
+        self.bugzilla = bugzilla
+        self._bug_fields = []
+        self.autorefresh = autorefresh
+        if bug_id:
+            if not dict:
+                dict = {}
+            dict["id"] = bug_id
+        if dict:
+            log.debug("Bug(%s)", sorted(dict.keys()))
+            self._update_dict(dict)
+        self.weburl = bugzilla.url.replace('xmlrpc.cgi',
+                                           'show_bug.cgi?id=%i' % self.bug_id)
+    def __str__(self):
+        '''Return a simple string representation of this bug
+        This is available only for compatibility. Using 'str(bug)' and
+        'print(bug)' is not recommended because of potential encoding issues.
+        Please use unicode(bug) where possible.
+        '''
+        if hasattr(sys.version_info, "major") and sys.version_info.major >= 3:
+            return self.__unicode__()
+        else:
+            return self.__unicode__().encode(
+                locale.getpreferredencoding(), 'replace')
+    def __unicode__(self):
+        '''Return a simple unicode string representation of this bug'''
+        return u"#%-6s %-10s - %s - %s" % (self.bug_id, self.bug_status,
+                                          self.assigned_to, self.summary)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<Bug #%i on %s at %#x>' % (self.bug_id, self.bugzilla.url,
+                                           id(self))
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        refreshed = False
+        while True:
+            if refreshed and name in self.__dict__:
+                # If name was in __dict__ to begin with, __getattr__ would
+                # have never been called.
+                return self.__dict__[name]
+            # pylint: disable=protected-access
+            aliases = self.bugzilla._get_bug_aliases()
+            # pylint: enable=protected-access
+            for newname, oldname in aliases:
+                if name == oldname and newname in self.__dict__:
+                    return self.__dict__[newname]
+            # Doing dir(bugobj) does getattr __members__/__methods__,
+            # don't refresh for those
+            if name.startswith("__") and name.endswith("__"):
+                break
+            if refreshed or not self.autorefresh:
+                break
+            log.info("Bug %i missing attribute '%s' - doing implicit "
+                "refresh(). This will be slow, if you want to avoid "
+                "this, properly use query/getbug include_fields, and "
+                "set bugzilla.bug_autorefresh = False to force failure.",
+                self.bug_id, name)
+            # We pass the attribute name to getbug, since for something like
+            # 'attachments' which downloads lots of data we really want the
+            # user to opt in.
+            self.refresh(extra_fields=[name])
+            refreshed = True
+        raise AttributeError("Bug object has no attribute '%s'" % name)
+    def refresh(self, include_fields=None, exclude_fields=None,
+        extra_fields=None):
+        '''
+        Refresh the bug with the latest data from bugzilla
+        '''
+        # pylint: disable=protected-access
+        r = self.bugzilla._getbug(self.bug_id,
+            include_fields=include_fields, exclude_fields=exclude_fields,
+            extra_fields=self._bug_fields + (extra_fields or []))
+        # pylint: enable=protected-access
+        self._update_dict(r)
+    reload = refresh
+    def _update_dict(self, newdict):
+        '''
+        Update internal dictionary, in a way that ensures no duplicate
+        entries are stored WRT field aliases
+        '''
+        if self.bugzilla:
+            self.bugzilla.post_translation({}, newdict)
+            # pylint: disable=protected-access
+            aliases = self.bugzilla._get_bug_aliases()
+            # pylint: enable=protected-access
+            for newname, oldname in aliases:
+                if oldname not in newdict:
+                    continue
+                if newname not in newdict:
+                    newdict[newname] = newdict[oldname]
+                elif newdict[newname] != newdict[oldname]:
+                    log.debug("Update dict contained differing alias values "
+                              "d[%s]=%s and d[%s]=%s , dropping the value "
+                              "d[%s]", newname, newdict[newname], oldname,
+                            newdict[oldname], oldname)
+                del(newdict[oldname])
+        for key in newdict.keys():
+            if key not in self._bug_fields:
+                self._bug_fields.append(key)
+        self.__dict__.update(newdict)
+        if 'id' not in self.__dict__ and 'bug_id' not in self.__dict__:
+            raise TypeError("Bug object needs a bug_id")
+    ##################
+    # pickle helpers #
+    ##################
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        ret = {}
+        for key in self._bug_fields:
+            ret[key] = self.__dict__[key]
+        return ret
+    def __setstate__(self, vals):
+        self._bug_fields = []
+        self.bugzilla = None
+        self._update_dict(vals)
+    #####################
+    # Modify bug status #
+    #####################
+    def setstatus(self, status, comment=None, private=False,
+                  private_in_it=False, nomail=False):
+        '''
+        Update the status for this bug report.
+        Commonly-used values are ASSIGNED, MODIFIED, and NEEDINFO.
+        To change bugs to CLOSED, use .close() instead.
+        '''
+        ignore = private_in_it
+        ignore = nomail
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(status=status,
+                                          comment=comment,
+                                          comment_private=private)
+        log.debug("setstatus: update=%s", vals)
+        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    def close(self, resolution, dupeid=None, fixedin=None,
+              comment=None, isprivate=False,
+              private_in_it=False, nomail=False):
+        '''Close this bug.
+        Valid values for resolution are in bz.querydefaults['resolution_list']
+        For bugzilla.redhat.com that's:
+        If using DUPLICATE, you need to set dupeid to the ID of the other bug.
+          you can (and should) set 'new_fixed_in' to a string representing the
+          version that fixes the bug.
+        You can optionally add a comment while closing the bug. Set 'isprivate'
+          to True if you want that comment to be private.
+        '''
+        ignore = private_in_it
+        ignore = nomail
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
+                                          comment_private=isprivate,
+                                          resolution=resolution,
+                                          dupe_of=dupeid,
+                                          fixed_in=fixedin,
+                                          status="CLOSED")
+        log.debug("close: update=%s", vals)
+        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    #####################
+    # Modify bug emails #
+    #####################
+    def setassignee(self, assigned_to=None, reporter=None,
+                    qa_contact=None, comment=None):
+        '''
+        Set any of the assigned_to or qa_contact fields to a new
+        bugzilla account, with an optional comment, e.g.
+        setassignee(assigned_to='wwoods at redhat.com')
+        setassignee(qa_contact='wwoods at redhat.com', comment='wwoods QA ftw')
+        You must set at least one of the two assignee fields, or this method
+        will throw a ValueError.
+        Returns [bug_id, mailresults].
+        '''
+        if reporter:
+            raise ValueError("reporter can not be changed")
+        if not (assigned_to or qa_contact):
+            raise ValueError("You must set one of assigned_to "
+                             " or qa_contact")
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(assigned_to=assigned_to,
+                                          qa_contact=qa_contact,
+                                          comment=comment)
+        log.debug("setassignee: update=%s", vals)
+        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    def addcc(self, cclist, comment=None):
+        '''
+        Adds the given email addresses to the CC list for this bug.
+        cclist: list of email addresses (strings)
+        comment: optional comment to add to the bug
+        '''
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
+                                          cc_add=cclist)
+        log.debug("addcc: update=%s", vals)
+        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    def deletecc(self, cclist, comment=None):
+        '''
+        Removes the given email addresses from the CC list for this bug.
+        '''
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
+                                          cc_remove=cclist)
+        log.debug("deletecc: update=%s", vals)
+        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    ###############
+    # Add comment #
+    ###############
+    def addcomment(self, comment, private=False,
+                   timestamp=None, worktime=None, bz_gid=None):
+        '''
+        Add the given comment to this bug. Set private to True to mark this
+        comment as private.
+        '''
+        ignore = timestamp
+        ignore = bz_gid
+        ignore = worktime
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
+                                          comment_private=private)
+        log.debug("addcomment: update=%s", vals)
+        return self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    ##########################
+    # Get/set bug whiteboard #
+    ##########################
+    def _dowhiteboard(self, text, which, action, comment, private):
+        '''
+        Update the whiteboard given by 'which' for the given bug.
+        '''
+        if which not in ["status", "qa", "devel", "internal"]:
+            raise ValueError("Unknown whiteboard type '%s'" % which)
+        if not which.endswith('_whiteboard'):
+            which = which + '_whiteboard'
+        if which == "status_whiteboard":
+            which = "whiteboard"
+        if action != 'overwrite':
+            wb = getattr(self, which, '').strip()
+            tags = wb.split()
+            sep = " "
+            for t in tags:
+                if t.endswith(","):
+                    sep = ", "
+            if action == 'prepend':
+                text = text + sep + wb
+            elif action == 'append':
+                text = wb + sep + text
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unknown whiteboard action '%s'" % action)
+        updateargs = {which: text}
+        vals = self.bugzilla.build_update(comment=comment,
+                                          comment_private=private,
+                                          **updateargs)
+        log.debug("_updatewhiteboard: update=%s", vals)
+        self.bugzilla.update_bugs(self.bug_id, vals)
+    def appendwhiteboard(self, text, which='status',
+                         comment=None, private=False):
+        '''Append the given text (with a space before it) to the given
+        whiteboard. Defaults to using status_whiteboard.'''
+        self._dowhiteboard(text, which, "append", comment, private)
+    def prependwhiteboard(self, text, which='status',
+                          comment=None, private=False):
+        '''Prepend the given text (with a space following it) to the given
+        whiteboard. Defaults to using status_whiteboard.'''
+        self._dowhiteboard(text, which, "prepend", comment, private)
+    def setwhiteboard(self, text, which='status',
+                      comment=None, private=False):
+        '''Overwrites the contents of the given whiteboard with the given text.
+        Defaults to using status_whiteboard.'''
+        self._dowhiteboard(text, which, "overwrite", comment, private)
+    def addtag(self, tag, which='status'):
+        '''Adds the given tag to the given bug.'''
+        whiteboard = self.getwhiteboard(which)
+        if whiteboard:
+            self.appendwhiteboard(tag, which)
+        else:
+            self.setwhiteboard(tag, which)
+    def gettags(self, which='status'):
+        '''Get a list of tags (basically just whitespace-split the given
+        whiteboard)'''
+        return self.getwhiteboard(which).split()
+    def deltag(self, tag, which='status'):
+        '''Removes the given tag from the given bug.'''
+        tags = self.gettags(which)
+        for t in tags:
+            if t.strip(",") == tag:
+                tags.remove(t)
+        self.setwhiteboard(' '.join(tags), which)
+    #####################
+    # Get/Set bug flags #
+    #####################
+    def get_flag_type(self, name):
+        """
+        Return flag_type information for a specific flag
+        Older RHBugzilla returned a lot more info here, but it was
+        non-upstream and is now gone.
+        """
+        for t in self.flags:
+            if t['name'] == name:
+                return t
+        return None
+    def get_flags(self, name):
+        """
+        Return flag value information for a specific flag
+        """
+        ft = self.get_flag_type(name)
+        if not ft:
+            return None
+        return [ft]
+    def get_flag_status(self, name):
+        """
+        Return a flag 'status' field
+        This method works only for simple flags that have only a 'status' field
+        with no "requestee" info, and no multiple values. For more complex
+        flags, use get_flags() to get extended flag value information.
+        """
+        f = self.get_flags(name)
+        if not f:
+            return None
+        # This method works only for simple flags that have only one
+        # value set.
+        assert len(f) <= 1
+        return f[0]['status']
+    ########################
+    # Experimental methods #
+    ########################
+    def get_history(self):
+        '''
+        Experimental. Get the history of changes for this bug.
+        '''
+        return self.bugzilla.bugs_history([self.bug_id])
+    ######################
+    # Deprecated methods #
+    ######################
+    def getwhiteboard(self, which='status'):
+        '''
+        Deprecated. Use bug.qa_whiteboard, bug.devel_whiteboard, etc.
+        '''
+        return getattr(self, "%s_whiteboard" % which)
+    def updateflags(self, flags):
+        '''
+        Deprecated, use bugzilla.update_flags() directly
+        '''
+        flaglist = []
+        for key, value in flags.items():
+            flaglist.append({"name": key, "status": value})
+        return self.bugzilla.update_flags(self.bug_id, flaglist)
+class _User(object):
+    '''Container object for a bugzilla User.
+    :arg bugzilla: Bugzilla instance that this User belongs to.
+    Rest of the params come straight from User.get()
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, bugzilla, **kwargs):
+        self.bugzilla = bugzilla
+        self.__userid = kwargs.get('id')
+        self.__name = kwargs.get('name')
+        self.__email = kwargs.get('email', self.__name)
+        self.__can_login = kwargs.get('can_login', False)
+        self.real_name = kwargs.get('real_name', None)
+        self.password = None
+        self.groups = kwargs.get('groups', {})
+        self.groupnames = []
+        for g in self.groups:
+            if "name" in g:
+                self.groupnames.append(g["name"])
+        self.groupnames.sort()
+    ########################
+    # Read-only attributes #
+    ########################
+    # We make these properties so that the user cannot set them.  They are
+    # unaffected by the update() method so it would be misleading to let them
+    # be changed.
+    @property
+    def userid(self):
+        return self.__userid
+    @property
+    def email(self):
+        return self.__email
+    @property
+    def can_login(self):
+        return self.__can_login
+    # name is a key in some methods.  Mark it dirty when we change it #
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        return self.__name
+    def refresh(self):
+        """
+        Update User object with latest info from bugzilla
+        """
+        newuser = self.bugzilla.getuser(self.email)
+        self.__dict__.update(newuser.__dict__)
+    def updateperms(self, action, groups):
+        '''
+        A method to update the permissions (group membership) of a bugzilla
+        user.
+        :arg action: add, remove, or set
+        :arg groups: list of groups to be added to (i.e. ['fedora_contrib'])
+        '''
+        self.bugzilla.updateperms(self.name, action, groups)
diff --git a/ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla3.py b/ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efacdea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# bugzilla3.py - a Python interface to Bugzilla 3.x using xmlrpclib.
+# Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Red Hat Inc.
+# Author: Will Woods <wwoods at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
+# the full text of the license.
+from bugzilla.base import BugzillaBase
+class Bugzilla3(BugzillaBase):
+    bz_ver_major = 3
+    bz_ver_minor = 0
+class Bugzilla32(Bugzilla3):
+    bz_ver_minor = 2
+class Bugzilla34(Bugzilla32):
+    bz_ver_minor = 4
+class Bugzilla36(Bugzilla34):
+    bz_ver_minor = 6
+    def _getbugfields(self):
+        '''Get the list of valid fields for Bug objects'''
+        r = self._proxy.Bug.fields({'include_fields': ['name']})
+        return [f['name'] for f in r['fields']]
diff --git a/ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla4.py b/ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla4.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f5e127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ciabot/bugzilla/bugzilla4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Red Hat Inc.
+# Author: Michal Novotny <minovotn at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
+# the full text of the license.
+from bugzilla.bugzilla3 import Bugzilla36
+class Bugzilla4(Bugzilla36):
+    bz_ver_major = 4
+    bz_ver_minor = 0
+    #################
+    # Query Methods #
+    #################
+    def build_query(self, **kwargs):
+        query = Bugzilla36.build_query(self, **kwargs)
+        # 'include_fields' only available for Bugzilla4+
+        include_fields = self._convert_include_field_list(
+            kwargs.pop('include_fields', None))
+        if include_fields:
+            if 'id' not in include_fields:
+                include_fields.append('id')
+            query["include_fields"] = include_fields
+        exclude_fields = self._convert_include_field_list(
+            kwargs.pop('exclude_fields', None))
+        if exclude_fields:
+            query["exclude_fields"] = exclude_fields
+        return query
+class Bugzilla42(Bugzilla4):
+    bz_ver_minor = 2
+class Bugzilla44(Bugzilla42):
+    bz_ver_minor = 4
diff --git a/ciabot/bugzilla/rhbugzilla.py b/ciabot/bugzilla/rhbugzilla.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c6c7e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ciabot/bugzilla/rhbugzilla.py
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+# rhbugzilla.py - a Python interface to Red Hat Bugzilla using xmlrpclib.
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Red Hat Inc.
+# Author: Will Woods <wwoods at redhat.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.  See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for
+# the full text of the license.
+from bugzilla import log
+from bugzilla.bugzilla4 import Bugzilla44 as _parent
+class RHBugzilla(_parent):
+    '''
+    Bugzilla class for connecting Red Hat's forked bugzilla instance,
+    bugzilla.redhat.com
+    Historically this class used many more non-upstream methods, but
+    in 2012 RH started dropping most of its custom bits. By that time,
+    upstream BZ had most of the important functionality.
+    Much of the remaining code here is just trying to keep things operating
+    in python-bugzilla back compatible manner.
+    This class was written using bugzilla.redhat.com's API docs:
+    https://bugzilla.redhat.com/docs/en/html/api/
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        @rhbz_back_compat: If True, convert parameters to the format they were
+            in prior RHBZ upgrade in June 2012. Mostly this replaces lists
+            with comma separated strings, and alters groups and flags.
+            Default is False. Please don't use this in new code, just update
+            your scripts.
+        @multicall: Unused nowadays, will be removed in the future
+        """
+        # 'multicall' is no longer used, just ignore it
+        multicall = kwargs.pop("multicall", None)
+        self.rhbz_back_compat = bool(kwargs.pop("rhbz_back_compat", False))
+        if multicall is not None:
+            log.warn("multicall is unused and will be removed in a "
+                "future release.")
+        if self.rhbz_back_compat:
+            log.warn("rhbz_back_compat will be removed in a future release.")
+        _parent.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        def _add_both_alias(newname, origname):
+            self._add_field_alias(newname, origname, is_api=False)
+            self._add_field_alias(origname, newname, is_bug=False)
+        _add_both_alias('fixed_in', 'cf_fixed_in')
+        _add_both_alias('qa_whiteboard', 'cf_qa_whiteboard')
+        _add_both_alias('devel_whiteboard', 'cf_devel_whiteboard')
+        _add_both_alias('internal_whiteboard', 'cf_internal_whiteboard')
+        self._add_field_alias('component', 'components', is_bug=False)
+        self._add_field_alias('version', 'versions', is_bug=False)
+        self._add_field_alias('sub_component', 'sub_components', is_bug=False)
+        # flags format isn't exactly the same but it's the closest approx
+        self._add_field_alias('flags', 'flag_types')
+        self._getbug_extra_fields = self._getbug_extra_fields + [
+            "comments", "description",
+            "external_bugs", "flags", "sub_components",
+            "tags",
+        ]
+        self._supports_getbug_extra_fields = True
+    ######################
+    # Bug update methods #
+    ######################
+    def build_update(self, **kwargs):
+        adddict = {}
+        def pop(key, destkey):
+            val = kwargs.pop(key, None)
+            if val is None:
+                return
+            adddict[destkey] = val
+        def get_sub_component():
+            val = kwargs.pop("sub_component", None)
+            if val is None:
+                return
+            if type(val) is not dict:
+                component = self._listify(kwargs.get("component"))
+                if not component:
+                    raise ValueError("component must be specified if "
+                        "specifying sub_component")
+                val = {component[0]: val}
+            adddict["sub_components"] = val
+        pop("fixed_in", "cf_fixed_in")
+        pop("qa_whiteboard", "cf_qa_whiteboard")
+        pop("devel_whiteboard", "cf_devel_whiteboard")
+        pop("internal_whiteboard", "cf_internal_whiteboard")
+        get_sub_component()
+        vals = _parent.build_update(self, **kwargs)
+        vals.update(adddict)
+        return vals
+    #################
+    # Query methods #
+    #################
+    def pre_translation(self, query):
+        '''Translates the query for possible aliases'''
+        old = query.copy()
+        if 'bug_id' in query:
+            if type(query['bug_id']) is not list:
+                query['id'] = query['bug_id'].split(',')
+            else:
+                query['id'] = query['bug_id']
+            del query['bug_id']
+        if 'component' in query:
+            if type(query['component']) is not list:
+                query['component'] = query['component'].split(',')
+        if 'include_fields' not in query and 'column_list' not in query:
+            return
+        if 'include_fields' not in query:
+            query['include_fields'] = []
+            if 'column_list' in query:
+                query['include_fields'] = query['column_list']
+                del query['column_list']
+        # We need to do this for users here for users that
+        # don't call build_query
+        self._convert_include_field_list(query['include_fields'])
+        if old != query:
+            log.debug("RHBugzilla pretranslated query to: %s", query)
+    def post_translation(self, query, bug):
+        '''
+        Convert the results of getbug back to the ancient RHBZ value
+        formats
+        '''
+        ignore = query
+        # RHBZ _still_ returns component and version as lists, which
+        # deviates from upstream. Copy the list values to components
+        # and versions respectively.
+        if 'component' in bug and "components" not in bug:
+            val = bug['component']
+            bug['components'] = type(val) is list and val or [val]
+            bug['component'] = bug['components'][0]
+        if 'version' in bug and "versions" not in bug:
+            val = bug['version']
+            bug['versions'] = type(val) is list and val or [val]
+            bug['version'] = bug['versions'][0]
+        # sub_components isn't too friendly of a format, add a simpler
+        # sub_component value
+        if 'sub_components' in bug and 'sub_component' not in bug:
+            val = bug['sub_components']
+            bug['sub_component'] = ""
+            if type(val) is dict:
+                values = []
+                for vallist in val.values():
+                    values += vallist
+                bug['sub_component'] = " ".join(values)
+        if not self.rhbz_back_compat:
+            return
+        if 'flags' in bug and type(bug["flags"]) is list:
+            tmpstr = []
+            for tmp in bug['flags']:
+                tmpstr.append("%s%s" % (tmp['name'], tmp['status']))
+            bug['flags'] = ",".join(tmpstr)
+        if 'blocks' in bug and type(bug["blocks"]) is list:
+            # Aliases will handle the 'blockedby' and 'blocked' back compat
+            bug['blocks'] = ','.join([str(b) for b in bug['blocks']])
+        if 'keywords' in bug and type(bug["keywords"]) is list:
+            bug['keywords'] = ','.join(bug['keywords'])
+        if 'alias' in bug and type(bug["alias"]) is list:
+            bug['alias'] = ','.join(bug['alias'])
+        if ('groups' in bug and
+            type(bug["groups"]) is list and
+            len(bug["groups"]) > 0 and
+            type(bug["groups"][0]) is str):
+            # groups went to the opposite direction: it got simpler
+            # instead of having name, ison, description, it's now just
+            # an array of strings of the groups the bug belongs to
+            # we're emulating the old behaviour here
+            tmp = []
+            for g in bug['groups']:
+                t = {}
+                t['name'] = g
+                t['description'] = g
+                t['ison'] = 1
+                tmp.append(t)
+            bug['groups'] = tmp
+    def build_query(self, **kwargs):
+        query = {}
+        def _add_key(paramname, keyname, listify=False):
+            val = kwargs.pop(paramname, None)
+            if val is None:

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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