[Libreoffice-qa] Bug report assistant - more design bits ...

Loic Dachary loic at dachary.org
Thu Sep 8 14:27:48 PDT 2011

On 09/08/2011 11:46 AM, Loic Dachary wrote:
>> 	Personally, I'd prefer to get people to create an account and verify it
>> - then perhaps we can get them to do a bit of triage / duplicate
>> finding / testing of bugs as well more easily ?
> Since Rainer and you have the same opinion, I will dismiss the idea of working around authentication. Unless someone has a brillant idea, I will assume that the new bug reporter needs to register a bugzilla account before filling a bug then.
> That actually makes my life easier :-)
I implemented the user authentication at


It works as follows. If the bug assistants detects that the user is already logged in ( it does so by querying bugzilla in the background which explains the 2/3 seconds delay when the page is first displayed ), it proceeds directly to the form, asking the component. If it detects that the user is not logged in, it shows a form where the user can enter the login and password. Using this login and password, the assistant authenticates the user on bugzilla, transparently. It can do so because there are no email confirmation involved. If the login or password are invalid, an error message is displayed.

The "signup" link is displayed at all times and sends the user to the signup page of bugzilla, which was debated in this thread. Since there is no way to transparently hide this step, we have to hope that the user will eventually find her/his way back to the bug assistant page.

Please let me know if this step matches your expectations or if things should be done differently. There has been some debate about the fact that https://bugassistant.libreoffice.org/ is used as a substitute for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/. Primarily because a user already logged in http://bugs.freedesktop.org/ will also have to login on https://bugassistant.libreoffice.org/. This is however necessary to allow the bug assistant to a) transparently login the user if (s)he already has an account, b) submit the bug and c) query the existing bug reports to find duplicates.


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