[Libreoffice-qa] [libreoffice-design] Future libreoffice.org web page: design request

Christoph Noack christoph at dogmatux.com
Thu Sep 8 15:12:06 PDT 2011

Hi Loic,

thanks for your kind mail :-) I'm sorry in advance that - this evening -
my time is so limited that I'm unable to have a deeper look at your
proposal. But a quick reply seems better than no reply...

Am Donnerstag, den 08.09.2011, 14:16 +0200 schrieb Loic Dachary:
> Hi,
> I've been working on a web application to make it easier for
> libreoffice users to report bugs.

That's absolutely great - and highly appreciated. But before we start,
I'd like to know whether you are aware of two activities in the past
that tried to address this issue. First, there has been a discussion on
the developers list some months ago. Second, there has been an active
discussion on the German mailing list some weeks ago (but I don't know
the final outcome).

My questions are related to the fact, that I already provided lots of
detailed "usability feedback" within these threads - I assume that would
be helpful for your work as well. For example:

There are currently several things that make me ask who are the target
users for this bug report form? And what is the reason for having such a
form - improve the quality of bug reports, make it quicker to report
them, make it easier for less experienced users, make it more visible to
users that we care about such issues?

If we consider "normal users", then e.g. the component selection is
still very difficult to understand. Or, asking them to create a bugzilla
account (within this complex system) may reduce the need for a "simple"
bug report assistant - those people who survive creating an bugzilla
account are pre-filtered, so that a normal bug report form will work for
them too (at least the "hide advanced fields" version).

Sorry for not getting it right away. It would be great if you could
provide some more hints to me...

> Screenshots can be seen here:
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Bug_Submission_Assistant_-_ToDo#Web_design
> As you can see, they are not nice looking and in great need for a
> skilled web designer.

> I am new to libreoffice and I apologize in advance if I've done
> something wrong. My understanding (after reading Christopher Noack
> advice to /Anant Verma
> at /http://listarchives.libreoffice.org/global/design/msg02916.html)
> is that
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Design/Work_Items#Work_Items
> is the place where design related tasks are being proposed. I went
> ahead and created a new entry to advertise the need for mockups for
> the "Bug submission assistant". This is currently the first entry in
> the table because I could not figure out if they are sorted
> chronologically or not.
> I hope that I did not do any mistake and I would very much appreciate
> any advice you could provide to improve the proposed work. In the
> meantime I will keep developing the web application. I am excited at
> the prospect of working on a nice looking bug report form :-)

Of course - everything is (more than) fine with regard to the wiki pages
you've added your stuff to. Its currently a bit unused - so I'm very
happy the see some activity there.

So, anybody who is a webdesigner (I'm not...) who wants to pick this
topic? I'm happy to provide usability support ...


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