[Libreoffice-qa] RC3 released as Final version???

Nino Novak nn.libo at kflog.org
Wed Feb 15 08:45:00 PST 2012

On Wednesday 15 February 2012, Petr Mladek wrote:

> What about having the following for the beta builds:
> 	LibreOffice 3.5.0beta1
> 	BuildID: iwohm-noinaog-nzorioinoih-mfowiom
> and the following for rc builds:
> 	LibreOffice 3.5.0.x
>         BuildID: iwohm-noinaog-nzorioinoih-mfowiom

However you decide - any chance to have the same strings returned also when 
invoking "libreoffice --version" cli command?  (consistency ...)


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