[Libreoffice-qa] tag for bugs related to experimental turned on/off

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Tue Mar 13 12:25:11 PDT 2012

Hi Bjoern, *,

Bjoern Michaelsen wrote (13-03-12 20:14)

> A feature is either stable enough to be included even with "experimental
> enabled" or it is not. If you care about macros, help out getting it stable
> enough to be moved out of "experimental" an into the general feature set.

Hmm, macro recording has been stable for years. Of limited use, OK, but 
still: it worked and did help out in various cases. Also for me it is of 
some use, now and then. And I've even been able to do handy things with 
it in a demo.
It looks logic to suggest that people that are too unhappy with current 
macro-recording functionality, stand up to improve it, rather then to 
hide it, and with the same strike, expose people that do use the 
recording to undocumented risks.


  - Cor
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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