[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of the LibreOffice QA call 2012-05-04 14:00 UTC

Bjoern Michaelsen bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com
Mon May 7 11:47:24 PDT 2012

Hi all,

here are the minutes of the QA call on 2012-05-04 1400UTC.

attendants: Cor, Rainer, Bjoern

pending action items:
   - Update/Create active triagers wiki page (Cor/Rainer)
   - collect further ideas for spending a dedicated resource (Cor/Rainer)
     -> blocked on CC/Litmus choice & availability
   - MozTrap evaluation install (Bjoern)
   - write update scenario testcase in Litmus/MozTrap (Kendy)
   - bulk change remove EasyHacks in summary, make that white board only (Rainer, all)
     (actually not possible in bulk, so lets crowdsource this: when you come
     across a bug with "EasyHack" in title, please remove it there
   - community building/communication (everyone)
   - Set Cor up with the Community/Forum maintainers at the distros
     to better propagate Hackfests, Bug Hunting Sessions etc.
     RedHat, Debian, Gentoo still missing

completed action items:
   - create updated 3.6 bibisect (Bjoern)

bug wrangling (Rainer):
   - handling needinfo bugs
     - conclusion: more liberal use of assigned should be ok if in status "NEEDINFO" (only)
AA   - send a proposal for liberal assigned use in NEEDINFO to Rainer for review (Bjoern)
   - change version "master" to release branch on branch off?
     see: http://rrbd.wordpress.com/2012/05/03/how-can-we-allow-more-purposeful-queries-for-version-master/
AA - create a QA EasyHack "Gather own bugzilla requirements" (Bjoern)
     - create a wikipage with what we have so far and link to it (Rainer)

community building/communication (Cor?)
   - the QA dashboard needs some love
   - we should identify top-priority action items after each call, those should
     be done ASAP/to the next call. The are marked AA+ in the minutes (Cor)
AA+- blog about QA EasyHacks (Cor/Bjoern)
AA+- blog about daily build changes/bugs/features from git log (Cor)
     - this should happen best once every 1-2 weeks
     - Rainer looking into this too
     - if git log messages are unparseable to mere mortals, dont hestitate to
       email the author about this, this should also encourage good commit
       messages (Bjoern)
     - this should also go out to the QA-List and social media
   - To grow the QA community and get more people to run and test master we
     should ask people to verify issues once they are marked fixed by dev
AA   - blog about bug verification (Bjoern)
     - the goal is not so much to supervise developer fixes, but the side
       effects like:
       - more people running master
       - more people getting involved/started with an easy task on QA
       - verification is positive/uplifting, while confirming bugs might be
         more demotivating

bibisect for 3.5 release branch and 3.6 master (Bjoern):
   - no bibisect for 3.5 still (no urgent calls that it is needed yet)
   - there is a up-to-date 3.6 bibisect up until 2012-04-28 with more than 60
     full libreoffice installs based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
AA - also rebuild the old ~50 3.5 bibisect installs for the next update (Bjoern)
   - we should grow bibisect knowledge wide and far to get a stable pool of
     people who can mentor it

Next call will be on 2012-05-18 1400UTC.

Top priority action item as hinted to me by Cor.



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