[Libreoffice-qa] Please Triage These (Bugs from 2011)

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Thu Sep 13 05:57:16 PDT 2012

Le 07/09/12 17:56, Joel Madero a écrit :

Hi Joel,

> There are 12 bugs from 2011 that haven't been triaged. I think they have
> been kind of ignored because they require certain things (such as Mac or
> UX input or advanced computer understanding :) ). Could someone(s)
> please get these done, then at least we're up to 2012 :) If you see one
> or more that you think you can deal with, please do it and send a reply
> so we know it's done. Thanks everyone

I just dealt with the Mac one, set to NEEDINFO as I can't reproduce.


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