[Libreoffice-qa] Fwd: Re: [tdf-discuss] LibreOffice 4.0 Test Marathon
oprea.luci at gmail.com
oprea.luci at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 11:13:20 PST 2013
Hi Yifan,
I want to continue to create test scenarios for these components.
Try to find more time :)
With regard to testing LibreOffice 4.0 beta1 common conclusion was that
the application is ready to be installed on Linux systems (installation
steps do not coincide with those of readme.txt and various errors occur
depending on linux distribution). Were introduced seven incidents in
Best regards,
Lucian Oprea
Telefon: 0745 592602
Comunitatea openSUSE Romania - http://suseromania.ro
Comunitatea LibreOffice Romania - http://libreoffice.ro
Pe 10.01.2013 12:35, Yifan Jiang a scris:
> Hi Lucian,
> I was trying to review and merge testcases in Moztrap these days.
> You may find out what I have done via sort by "Modified" date:
> http://manual-test.libreoffice.org/manage/cases/
> Though the progress is still ongoing, major revising of your cases is
> I sometimes merged many of the rows of your document into a single
> test case. For example, all of the Welcome screen menu items check is
> merged to a single case:
> http://manual-test.libreoffice.org/manage/case/130/
> The reason is we would be better off breaking down test cases in a
> *proper* level. Instead of having many test cases covering similar
> things in the same area, a relatively compact case including those
> test items as detached steps/verify points could be more easy to
> navigate, maintain and run.
> I'd also love to do the similar thing for other components as well.
> Please let me know if you have other thoughts about it. And of course
> I'd highly expect you can join the maintain of Moztrap since you have
> written great cases :) Thanks!
> Best wishes,
> Yifan
> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 03:00:32AM +0200, oprea.luci at gmail.com wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I could not type anything into MozTrap because I focused on coordinating
>> activities in Romania -
>> http://tableta.ceata.org/p/Maraton_de_testare_de_LibreOffice_4.0_la_Ceata
>> But for those who want to test may use and populate the files available
>> online at
>> * Test LibreOffice Launcher -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEhwOWJ5WkprLW90T09RZWw1ZkFBSkE#gid=0
>> * Test Writer LibreOffice -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdDliQV9YQjhiWFFrTW53SDhqUWVZbVE#gid=0
>> * Test Calc LibreOffice -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdE0xRllDNGd1QWpOR25tZnk2UkI2aFE#gid=0
>> * Test Impress LibreOffice -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdGdtb2h1V0Z5U2lXS29mMEQyaXIxdGc#gid=0
>> * Test LibreOffice Base -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEpOQXViNW9leVBjeEZjc09TUTlCZlE#gid=0
>> * Test LibreOffice Math -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdC1RcWROZnZkbS02VjNFbzN6cExhUGc#gid=0
>> * Test LIbreOffice other -
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEtKYjkzcW5Ua2lvVmJxLVp1TU9JOXc#gid=0
>> and obtained scenarios will be introduced in future tests MozTrap.
>> If you agree, should be popularized these links. I will monitor the work.
>> Lucian,
>> -----------------
>> Lucian Oprea
>> Telefon: 0745 592602
>> Comunitatea openSUSE Romania - http://suseromania.ro
>> Comunitatea LibreOffice Romania - http://libreoffice.ro
>> Pe 13.12.2012 04:50, Yi Fan Jiang a scris:
>>> Hi Lucian,
>>> On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 03:17:10AM +0200, oprea.luci at gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi Yifan,
>>>> In MozTrap seems easy to work (there are a few things you need to
>>>> understand).
>>> It's wonderful you feel it is easy to work with :)
>>>> Until then, we have created here
>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0At9lOM8_6gsLdEhwOWJ5WkprLW90T09RZWw1ZkFBSkE
>>>> # gid = 0 several test scenarios (we went from something I found on
>>>> the wiki).
>>>> I think we created enough test scenariosfor Luncher LibreOffice .
>>>> Please see and bring observations if necessary.
>>> Thanks, they look good, and I guess many items were covered by existed
>>> Moztrap
>>> test cases.
>>> I saw a bunch of different launch scenario, which is nice. But in Moztrap
>>> they
>>> could be classified to be 2-3 test cases for easy and neat navigating,
>>> then
>>> detaching each of the rows in the gdocs to different steps in a Moztrap
>>> test
>>> case.
>>>> Unfortunately, it's a lot of work and time does not allow me to
>>>> complete this work in a few days alone.
>>> The first step merging of these test cases to Moztrap need not to be
>>> perfect. Please feel free to copy and paste. I really hope
>>> you can smoothly try to employ Moztrap as much as possible this time.
>>> The only 2 tiny problems need to be concern are avoiding duplication and
>>> merging
>>> some rows of cases with similar "subjects" to one single test case.
>>> Meanwhile, we will definitely find a way to work this out before 16 Dec :)
>>> How
>>> about point the QA people to Moztrap, which simply having a 4.0 testing
>>> run
>>> based on existed cases. Together referring to your gdoc link for further
>>> testing. In that case, QA may naturally filter out those duplicated ones
>>> at
>>> this time.
>>> Nice things of adapting Moztrap for manual testing benifits to all of
>>> people
>>> is we can share the testing results among each other, the bugs found can
>>> be
>>> attached to a test case, more over no duplication effort will be conducted
>>> in
>>> Moztrap. And more ...
>>>> Propose that future TDF to support a group of tests to ensure the
>>>> quality LibreOffice. I'd be happy to take care of this activity.
>>> It would be great if you are gonna be part of this!
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Yifan
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