[Libreoffice-qa] Stagnant NEEDINFO bugs

Florian Reisinger reisi007 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 28 22:09:42 PST 2013

Hello everyone,

Am 28.01.2013 14:13, schrieb Petr Mladek:
> On Mon, 2013-01-28 at 10:05 +0100, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
>> Petr Mladek schrieb:
>> [...] 
>> BTW, I dislike the "noise" the discussed "3 strikes" solution will
>> cause. I'm thinking about a different solution:

I think most of you know, that I proposed the three strikes, but I am for the best solution so. let's wait till the end of the discussion....

> I am against 3 strike solution as well :-) My opinion is that it would
> cause to big traffic and do not help much. If people does not react for
> the first warning, there is only small chance that they would react on
> the second or third one.
>> Strike 1:
>> Query will find NEEDINFO bugs untouched for a long time and fulfilling
>> some additional "hopeless criteria".
>> Reporter's of these bugs will get polite mail with request to contribute
>> additional info that we will have to close the bug without additional
>> info. This mailing  only send mails to reporters, will not change any
>> info in the Bugs, so that data as "Days since last change" and similar
>> will be available for other queries. List of related bugs will be
>> published on QA list
>> That's not a big technical challenge, I think I can create required
>> tools (what can be used fur further actions in future easily) within 1 hour.
>> Strike 2 After 7 Days:
>> Query for all Bugs for what mails have been sent in Strike 1:
>> - Changed since mail (probably by reporter): QA will take care
>> - NOT changed: Mass close via Bugzilla with polite message
>>     "Sorry ..., but feel free to reopen if ..."
>> What do think?
> I like this solution. It is polite and creates only one change in
> bugzilla.

Okay do you mean the button "Send mail to bug Assignees"?
In my query some of the following would get mail: Me, A. Timar, Joel... 
so QA staff + dev
So, what should we do? I was able to display the e-mail of the reporter, 
but you won't get me to send 200 mails....
A button "Send mail to the reporter and everyone who is interested in 
this bug" would be nice ;) [Sorry for sarcasm]

BTW: I have a improved query for LT Neeedinfo bugs: Currently 393
>> BTW, I would not do that too often. Sometimes it's simply not easy for
>> reporter to contribute desired info, for example because bug is not
>> simple to reproduce. May be such bugs can be marked by entry of a QA
>> "Mentor" in QA contact or similar.
> I would do this regularly to keep bugzilla clean and avoid masschanges
> in hunderts of bugs. There are different reporters, so we will not touch
> the same reporter in each round. IMHO, the most important is to give
> user chance to answer before the first warning (30 days or so).
> Best Regards,
> Petr

_Florian Reisinger _
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