[Libreoffice-qa] Metabug for Form Controls and docx export

Joel Madero jmadero.dev at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 08:06:25 PST 2014

> As far as i see, LibreOffice still cannot export form control fields 
> to a docx file, while it can export to doc format.
> There are some bug reports pointing specific form controls, like 
> "checkbox is missing when saving docx, text field is missing" etc. 
> LibreOffice cannot save any variations in current controls in docx :(.
> I made a sample file, no luck for any type of form control to save as 
> docx.
> Form controls are very important in corporate usage, and such problem 
> has a high priority for such users. And such bugs can really affect LO 
> brand.
> Should we fill a meta bug for this issue?
My experience is that devs don't find this to be incredibly helpful - 
let's see what they think on this as the point of meta bugs are to help 
developers fix things :)


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