[Libreoffice-qa] [ANNOUNCE] Branch libreoffice-5-1-2 and Tag libreoffice- created
jan iversen
jani at documentfoundation.org
Wed Mar 16 09:36:41 UTC 2016
> Hi all,
> The tag libreoffice- (AKA 5.1.2 RC1) and the corresponding branch libreoffice-5-1-2 have been created.
> The branch will be used for fine tuning of the 5-1-2 release. (there
> is one additional RC planned)
> The following rules apply:
> + preferably just translation or blocker fixes
> + only cherry-picking from libreoffice-5-1 branch
> + 2 additional reviews needed; 2nd reviewer pushes
> + no regular merges back to anything
> The 'libreoffice-5-1' branch is still active and will be used for the 5.1.3 bugfix release. Please read more at
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleasePlan/5.1#5.1.2_release.
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Branches.
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Release_Criteria
> Now, if you want to switch your clone to the branch, please do:
> ./g pull -r ./g checkout -b libreoffice-5-1-2 origin/libreoffice-5-1-2
> To checkout the tag, use
> ./g fetch --tags
> ./g checkout -b tag-libreoffice- libreoffice-
> Hopefully it will work for you :-) Most probably, you will also want to do (if you haven't done it yet):
> git config --global push.default tracking
> When you do git push with this, git will push only the branch you are on; e.g. libreoffice-5-1-2 when you have switched to it. This will save you some git shouting at you.
> Linux distro packages might find source tarballs at
> http://dev-builds.libreoffice.org/pre-releases/src/
> They will soon be available from the official page together with the builds. Attached is the list of changes against 5.1.1 RC3 (5.1.1 final)
> Happy hacking,
> jan i
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