[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Libreoffice] "Style And Formatting" window

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Tue Jul 5 09:03:58 PDT 2011

Hi Regina,

Regina Henschel wrote (05-07-11 17:48)

>> But yes, it is hard to find out, that it only works for Master pages.
> No, it works in normal view too.

OK .. when I tried to master Styles in Impress, looong time ago, I got 
lost there. Could not get it working on the normal view.
Might have been changed, or different with LibreOffice or .

Anyway: thanks for letting me know. Just test it and indeed it works as 
expected :-)

>> And yes, it is hard to find out how to change bullets styles in the
>> Master pages too.
> Simple use the Style&Formatting window. Right click the desired outline
> level and modify it. Why is it difficult for you?

Same answer as above ;-)

>> And indeed, it is a pity that currently, there are no character styles.
> That is true. But that is a problem for Draw too.

Of course.
And thanks for your addition about the styles for drawing objects!


  - Cor
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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