[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Libreoffice] "Style And Formatting" window

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Wed Jul 6 07:55:07 PDT 2011

On Wed, 2011-07-06 at 00:26 +0200, Christoph Noack wrote:
> Well, this question may open a can of worms, so to say. Omitting all the
> explanation it finally leads to (from the user's point-of-view): "Is
> LibreOffice an office suite that behave consistently and works with
> different file types?", or "Does LibreOffice bundle several rather
> separate modules?". Both approaches do have pros/cons - but it should be
> clear, because it would solve lots of other questions.

IMO we should be consistent, but not to the degree that it gets in the
way, 'A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds' :-) I
think we suffer from a bit of that where cross-module consistency ends
up with some forced edge-cases. e.g. that writer defaulted to a mode
where tables in writer acted as mini-spreadsheets which can calculate
their contents is fully consistent with calc (and a nifty hack) but
bewildering and unexpected.

> Mmh, by the way, how does LibO handle if there are separate windows
> (e.g. Calc) having different settings for such a window (e.g. docked /
> undocked). Which one will be the new default if LibO is completely
> restarted?

I think the stacking order is used (or at least that's the way I'd do
it), i.e. the one closest to the foreground is taken as the default
settings for the next start.


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