[Libreoffice-ux-advise] drawing toolbar interactions

Christoph Noack christoph at dogmatux.com
Fri Jul 29 13:07:16 PDT 2011

Hi all!

Am Freitag, den 29.07.2011, 13:46 +0200 schrieb Jan Holesovsky:
> Hi Regina,
> On 2011-07-29 at 01:14 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
> > I still disagree with changing the behavior. In my workflow I would get 
> > a lot of additional clicks.
> > Example of my typical tasks: Draw a filled polygon with three points, 
> > add an arc in one corner, add a text with character 'alpha', drag-select 
> > all, group it, copy&paste it to Writer.
> I am probably confused

I think I am as well ...

> , but if I understand it correctly, with what
> Federico proposes, this would get only 1 additional click; and that is
> to select Selection tool to be able drag-select, right?  So far it
> sounds to me as a good trade-off (considering how much it would improve
> the experience for people who want to draw more shapes in one go), and
> when we additionally consider the Spacebar for quick access to Selection
> (so that you do not need to click anything to get the drag-select
> functionality, just hit Space), I'd love to see the changes in.

I feel a bit lost in all the details at the moment, so I'd like to
re-ask one of the issues some of us discussed in the beginning: Do we
talk about Draw, or do we talk about Impress as well?

Please note that both applications are used for different things - but
are both part of one office suite. So the tradeoff of what is shared and
what should be different is important here. Frederico mentioned several
times that some behavior might suit "him" better - given his personal

Furthermore, I'd like to ask whether the user is aware what mode is
currently activated - the drawing toolbar is _not_ sufficient to do that
(as some people pointed out). So how are users informed?

It might sound like criticism, but please don't get me wrong - I just
noticed that LibO already suffers hard from some changes that tried to
copy some (but not all) behavior from other "superior" applications.
That might make things worse ... so I'd like to understand those changes
in more detail. Why? Because "Adobe Illustrator (Inkscape) users are not
equal to MS PowerPoint (LibO Impress) users".


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