[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Hiding/Showing the page breaks in writer

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Tue Sep 27 21:35:03 PDT 2011

Hi Cedric,

cedric.bosdonnat.ooo at free.fr wrote (27-09-11 22:40)

>> Regina (IIRC)  mentioned break before or after. And currently, we
>> only have before, AFAIAA. Hence my remark. (But don't get me wrong:
>> I do not ask for a new feature here!)
> We can have page break after in the Text Flow tab... so I don't
> understand what you mean here... but may I'm too tired and should go
> to bed ;)

Ah, that "should go to bed" obviously applies to me. Never really 'seen' 
that control before :-D  (Sorry)

  - Cor
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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