[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Should formatting apply to word at cursor position or only characters typed after formatting was invoked

Alex Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 02:01:02 PST 2012

On 12/08/2012 08:28 PM, Mirek M. wrote:

Hi Mirek,

>     Basically, when the cursor resides in a word (after first or in
>     front of the last character of the word), all formats apply to the
>     whole word. I never realized this, until I started using subscript
>     and superscript a lot in my writing (for chemical names like CO2).
>     Is it feasible to change this behavior to formats only being applied
>     to newly typed characters?

I'd never noticed this before, I thought that the change only applied to
the characters typed going forward, possibly because I only apply
sub-/super-script formatting once I have entered the formula.

>     It seems strange to me, that the whole word is affected, since it is
>     something from the past, in contrast to typing new characters in the
>     future after invoking formatting (like super-/subscript).

>     If a whole word has to be formatted, it can easily be marked by
>     double clicking it. This also makes more sense to me, since I
>     thereby actively tell LibreOffice, that I want the whole word to be
>     affected.

Yes, as a user I would agree (but then I'm a chemist so it would be
handy), although I confess to not having noticed this behaviour before.


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