[Libreoffice-ux-advise] conditional format dialog

Markus Mohrhard markus.mohrhard at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 12 01:51:38 PDT 2012

Hey Stefan,

> find attached a quick shot at some icon sets, modelled mostly after what
> MS have. Please recognise that this is only a work in progress, they
> haven't been tested very much and I suspect some will look rather badly
> on colourful/dark backgrounds.
> As these are SVG's you should be able to scale them freely, but you
> might want to give precedence to displaying them at multiples of 16
> pixels in either direction in some way.

Great. I can work with them for now. We can change them later if
necessary. Also I hope that I can implement it so that extending the
icons will be easily possible.

>> I have been in the last two weeks refactoring the conditional formats
>> dialogs. I finally implemented most parts of the original proposal,
>> including the correct menu structure and finally also the ref input
>> edit fields. Additionally I remove some of the ugly hacks that were a
>> result of the short time the dialog was written in.
> Yes, looks a lot better than the version that was in 3.6.0 already.
> There are a few things that are wrong, at least in my build (~yesterday
> afternoon):
> * Once one closes a conditional formatting dialogue, one is seemingly
> unable to edit the condition again, instead you will get a completely
> fresh dialogue when reopening it.

I noticed this regression too. I did not yet look into it because it
will most likely conflict with the Manage Conditional Formats

> * There is no colour indicating which rule is selected in the editor
> window, instead, one sees "deselected" next to deselected conditions.
> IMHO, that's not so good. What I'd hope for is a toned down/more
> transparent version of the system selection colour.

> * There is no horizontal line after the last rule. That seem a bit odd.

Ok, I don't see this problem. I have attached a screenshot of how it
looks for me.

> * I don't know if that's an artifact of my GTK theme, but the Shrink
> window button looks inset.

I see this too, but still have no idea how this happens. I'm not doing
anything else with dialog than in the range name dialogs. I'll inspect
that until the release.

> * The range displayed in the title of the editor window does not update
> when one updates the range at the bottom of the editor.

Known problem.

> * There is a number of problems with UI item's width/height and
> positioning towards each other (i.e. these are often not consistent
> enough) – example: the Range input field at the bottom of the editor
> does not extend to the right edge, but stops somewhere at ~80.
> Similarly, with a 2-value colour scale, you get a huge empty space
> between the Minimum and Maximum.

I know about these. I untangled the dialog elements between the
different modes so that they cna now be positioned in the src file
without worrying about another mode. I'm open to suggestions how to
improve the layout of each of the entries.

> * When a condition is deleted, no other condition is selected, instead
> all stay deselected. Ideally the condition just above the deleted should
> be selected then.

Ok, will look into this one.

> * I am not sure if the dialog checks the sanity of input values properly
> in all cases, for instance should something like "Cell value is less
> than Ghandi" work? IMHO, you should get an error bar about that and
> should not be able to save this.

It is valid. Most formula expressions are valid in the normal
condition case. Only in the new color scale and data bar cases the
checks are stricter and formulas are only allowed if you select

> * Also, as Caolan's work on Glade import has now landed on master, would
> it make sense to convert these dialogues already or are there too many
> things in them that are custom?

I have no idea if the widget layout code can deal with adding contrls
dynamicall into another control. That is something Caolan needs to
answer. THe DataBar Settings Dialog however seems like a good and easy
candidate for this.

Thanks a lot for your input.


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