[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Deleting multiple styles at once

Jean-Francois Nifenecker jean-francois.nifenecker at laposte.net
Wed Feb 13 04:35:05 PST 2013

Hi Michel,

Le 13/02/2013 10:59, Michel Renon a écrit :
> While I agree in the general principle ("if it's undoable, don't ask
> confirmation"), there is something different here :
> when you undo the deletion of a style, the style is not associated
> anymore to the text. So it's a partial undo (just tested in LO 3.5 &
> 3.6) [1].
> In this case, the user must be informed that the text will definitely
> loose his style (and can't be undone).

Good point. I accept that this is a drawback. Now, given the audience 
for heavy styles usage (ie, power users), does it really apply? I 
haven't got a definitive answer here.

> Or if devs can re-associate style to the text, then no need for
> confirmation. But it should be much much more complicated !

Yep. This would be the best option and I agree it might be difficult to 

Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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