[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Hide and show slides from custom dialog

Guillermo Molleda Jimena gmolleda at us.es
Tue Jul 2 01:44:30 PDT 2013

It would be better to put an option to print a certain "custom slide 
show" because could also have been chosen the slides in a different order.

The idea is to distribute to students a PDF (or printing paper) with 
selected slides for that course.


El 01/07/13 19:23, Thorsten Behrens escribió:
> Guillermo Molleda Jimena wrote:
>> >  Objective: to print a custom in PDF, hiding the rest of slides and
>> >  presenting only those chosen.
>> >  Can anyone help?
>> >
> Hi Guillermo,
> so you mean, beyond selecting certain slides, within that custom
> selection, have some 'don't export this to pdf' meta-customization?
>> >  I think it's something important for teachers with different
>> >  students, the same base but different levels slide.
>> >  
> Wouldn't that work with the custom slide shows itself, i.e. have
> several different ones, for the various student levels, and then
> export just the slides in the selected custom show? Can you elaborate
> a bit more (preferably on the ux-advise list) how the interaction
> would look like?
>> >  But I don't know how do it.
>> >  
> Beyond the question of the use case, and how to best do it (for which
> I Cc the ux-advise list), the dialog and code to stick slide subset
> selections into is:
>   - impress pdf/export page render code: SdXImpressDocument::render()
>     in sd/source/ui/unoidl/unomodel.cxx
>   - pdf export dialog implementation: filter/source/pdf/impdialog.cxx
> HTH,
> -- Thorsten

Usa el esperanto para acelerar el aprendizaje de idiomas, ganarás años como demuestran los estudios científicos realizados (http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valor_proped%C3%A9utico_del_esperanto). Puede leer más sobre el idioma en http://personal.us.es/gmolleda/lingvoj.html, http://www.2-2.se/es/ y http://esperantofre.com/edu/iloj01h.htm#celo.

El inglés, francés, alemán o chino mandarín son muy ineficientes para su aprendizaje como segundo idioma (mejor tercero) y fuente de grandes movimientos de divisas de países pobres hacia los más ricos. Igual que aprendes a escribir primero trazos y no directamente las letras, es mejor para el cerebro aprender primero una lengua regular y planificada.

	      Guillermo Molleda Jimena

         Departamento de Economía Financiera y
               Dirección de Operaciones
	   Facultad de Turismo y Finanzas
	       Universidad de Sevilla

	   Avda. San Francisco Javier s/n
	           41018 Sevilla
     Tfno: 954 55 16 55     Fax: 954 55 75 70
E-mail: gmolleda at us.es http://personal.us.es/gmolleda

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