[Libreoffice] [PUSHED] Re: [PATCH] Fix for bug/feature request i#8288

Mattias Johnsson m.t.johnsson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 06:11:03 PST 2010

On 2 December 2010 01:05, Lubos Lunak <l.lunak at suse.cz> wrote:
> On Wednesday 01 of December 2010, Jan Holesovsky wrote:
>> Hi Mattias,
>> Mattias Johnsson píše v Ne 28. 11. 2010 v 14:40 +1100:
>> > Also one of the easy hacks.
>> >
>> > Patch ensures that after doing "replace all" the cursor is left at
>> > original position, rather than moved to the position of the last
>> > replacement.
>> Wow! - what a great usability improvement, with few lines of code :-)
>> Pushed, the only change was using the 8288 as the bug number, instead of
>> 12345.
>  There appears to be a helper class for this, SwCrsrSaveState. Except that it
> doesn't seem to work, as far as I can judge SwCursor::RestoreState() doesn't
> really restore anything (quite hard to say, so much for "trivial APIs don't
> need docs").

Yep, I know. That was one of the first things I tried. No luck. Or,
rather, it does save some state, and push it onto the cursor stack,
but it's erased again later. Rather than making major invasive changes
to the code, I went for the simple option.

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