[Libreoffice] defaulting to --without-java ... (?)

Christian Lohmaier lohmaier+libreoffice at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 2 11:31:02 PST 2010

Hi Sebastian, *;

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at sspaeth.de> wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Dec 2010 17:45:17 +0100, Christian Lohmaier wrote:
>> >>        would anyone scream if we defaulted configure to --without-java ?
>> I would.
> I would not.

I hope not for the wrong reasons.

>> >> [ this is primarily for developers ], should make it easier to build
>> Come on, what is hard about installing a JDK?
> My LibO build failed with the included openjdk, gcj, and sun-jre
> installed, I had to remove openjdk, and then I had to remove the gcj
> java stuff, and *only* when I had the sun stuff left, would LibO
> actually build without screaming about not being able to detect
> Java. (when I actually had java installed and in my path).

Then this is a regression, a bug that needs to be fixed, and not
circumvented by just closing your eyes and pretending the problem
would not exist. OpenJDK definitely is supported, gcj should still be,
but nowadays is less used.

> I spent about 3 hours to get the right stuff installed. During
> configure time (which I run often), I am always annoyed as the "checking
> for ant..." part takes longest.

Well - "my breaks don't work, so I demand a louder horn on my car..."

Even when you got so much trouble getting it to work, you could have
deviated from the default and have specified --without-java


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